Web directories, international sites

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Websites collecting and organizing information about scientific resources on the internet. Potrals of international cooperations and special scientific groups.
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Asia-Pacific Research Network - http://www.aprnet.org/

Community of Science - http://www.cos.com/

Google Directory - Science - http://dir.google.com/Top/Science/

Open Directory - Science - http://dmoz.org/Science/

Social Science Research Council - http://www.ssrc.org/

Asia-Pacific Research Network - http://www.aprnet.org/

Community of Science - http://www.cos.com/

Google Directory - Science - http://dir.google.com/Top/Science/

Open Directory - Science - http://dmoz.org/Science/

Science in the Yahoo! Directory - http://dir.yahoo.com/Science/

Social Science Information Gateway - http://www.sosig.ac.uk/

Social Science Research Council - http://www.ssrc.org/

Social Science Research Network - http://www.ssrn.com/

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