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He was born in 1951 in Budapest. Like his father, Aladár Gáncs served as minister and organist in Nyíregyháza, where he concluded his secondary school education Kölcsey Secondary School. Between 1969 and 1974 he was a student of the Academy of Lutheran Theology (currently University of Lutheran Theology). Later he studied at the College of Wuppertal (Germany). After obtaining a degree in theology and ministry he was an assistant minister in various places and from 1980 to 1997 he was parish minister in Nagytarcsa and Pécel. Between 1981 and 1984 he participated, as a youth counsellor, in the work of the Lutheran World Association. Since 1992 he has been editing radio programmes on Kossuth Radio and other stations. Between 1997 and 2003 he was the head of the Lutheran Radio Mission Centre and national mission minister. In the spring of 2003 he was selected as a bishop and was inaugurated into office on 6 September of that year in Békéscsaba.

The Gospel of Christmas from three camera stands

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