Zrinyi, Miklos

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Miklós Zrínyi chemist, doctor of chemistry and university professor at Budapest University of Technology (BME) was born in Jákó in 1949. He completed his secondary school studies at Táncsics Mihály Secondary School in Kaposvár, and his university studies at the Chemistry Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences of Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE TTK). He began his research work at the Colloid Technology Department of ELTE. Since 1992 he has been leading researcher at the Physics and Chemistry Department of BME and head of department since 1994. His main field of research is the production and study of the characteristics of intelligent materials, the study of mechanical, thermodynamic and medical-biological characteristics of polymer gels and the examination of pattern formation in gels. His work is internationally recognised. He is the author and co-author of one book, six book chapters and more than 140 scientific bulletins.

Materials of the 21st Century: Intelligent Materials

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