Minden idők legfiatalabb Oscar-díjasa állítja, szexuálisan zaklatták

La barbe a papa CIGARETTE
Tatum O'Neal
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A Peter Bogdanovich rendezte Papírhold-ért mindössze 10 évesen legjobb női mellékszereplői Oscar-díjat nyert Tatum O'Neal arról számolt be, hogy többször is zaklatták szexuálisan karrierje során. 
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M O O D!! I am a woman and i have been sexually assaulted more than once !! It was not my fault when i was 5, 6 12 , 13 , 15. - All by older men who i thought were safe ! I rarely have known safety and was always blamed for for the assaults and,my loudness , and curiosity. It’s taken in me almost 55 years to know how to advocate for myself But I learn fast and here I go!! To see the president of US.Mock a woman, let alone a sexual assault victim. We’ve sunk to a depth of depravity that I never thought the president of the United States could ever sink to you. With uproarious laughter for someone who was assaulted at 15 years old. Whether it was 35 years ago to a 75-year-old man at 15 I remember everything !! It’s time to band together. So this time in history is having a lot of negative impact and Activation-for alot of people like me. there are people will say, I had it coming or it was probably my fault. Or I deserved it -that’s what America has come to you now. Together we fight on for the empathy, and kindness towards one another, whatever your preferences are , whether you’re black or white or conservative or liberal we are Americans and we should always fight for people who have had trauma or who have suffered, and never hurt others for whatever reason. I’ve never seen such a dark time in our country . I was too young to remember 68 - but I feel like we’re headed to something much worse -Before gets better. Let’s,lead with love and kindness and empathy Towards one another.But we , victims the victim of sexual Assault,or violence,must NOT put down our armor.It’s time to fight for one another and each other in this dark time ! America We can do better - we will be better!!’

Tatum O'neal (@tatum__oneal) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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