Galéria: Látványos jégszobrászverseny a Magas-Tátrában
HREBIENOK, SLOVAKIA - JANUARY 22: A Mongolian artist is working on his latest ice sculpture during the Tatry Ice Master 2023 international championship on the top of Hrebienok, High Tatras mountain range, Slovakia on the 22nd of January 2023. The 9th year of the traditional Tatry Ice Master event, which was postponed for the last two years because of the Covid-19pandemic, has finally returned to Hrebienok, welcoming ice sculptors from ten countries from around the world, including Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Finland, Great Britain, Mongolia, Mexico, Poland, and Germany. During the two-day event, the artists shaped 50 tonnes of ice and created 35 unique ice sculptures. Robert Nemeti / Anadolu Agency (Photo by Robert Nemeti / ANADOLU AGENCY / Anadolu Agency via AFP)