Galéria: Megmutatjuk, hogyan készülnek ezek a különleges üvegszobrok - képek
10 February 2023, Saxony-Anhalt, Derenburg: Glassmakers' pipes lie by the melting furnace at the Harzkristall glassworks. Glassmakers bring glowing hot gas mass into shape in the glassworks. Glasmanufaktur Harzkristall GmbH is one of the few glassworks in Germany that manufactures hand-blown products. Specialties include vases, glass lamps, the production of glass parts and lamps for historic preservation, and glass art products in collaboration with renowned artists. Glass products have been manufactured in the plant for 70 years. Photo: Matthias Bein/dpa (Photo by MATTHIAS BEIN / DPA / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP)