Mintha egyenesen a Barbie-filmből érkezett volna ez az amerikai otthon

Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Hálószoba a különleges Barbie házban
Fotó: Kyle Edwards SWNS/Northfoto
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500 000 dollárért bármelyik rajongó megvásárolhatja az ingatlant.
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Az amerikai New Jersey államban, Hamiltonban található három hálószobás ingatlan nagyon egyedi stílusú, és tökéletes minden Barbie-rajongó számára. Az 500 000 dollárért kínált ingatlanban egy kézműves szoba, konyha, étkező, nappali és egy hatalmas gardróbszekrény is található.

Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe
Check out this real-life Barbie dreamhouse with a cinema and large walk in wardrobe




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