Százezres tömeg búcsúztatta a szerencsétlenül járt brazil focistákat
2016. december 03. 18:12
Members of the Colombian Air Force prepare to load onto a plane in Rionegro, Antioquia department, Colombia, on December 2, 2016 the coffins with the remains of the members of the Brazilian football team Chapecoense Real who died in a plane crash in the Colombian mountains earlier this week.
The bodies of the 71 victims killed in the crash that wiped out the Brazilian team began arriving home Friday, as mourners prepared a massive funeral. The other victims -- 64 Brazilians, five Bolivians and a Venezuelan -- are being flown home on a series of flights throughout the day.
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Ma érkeztek haza a Kolumbiában lezuhant repülőgép utasainak földi maradványai