Kamu volt a japán Naszukava Mayweather elleni meccse

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This handout photograph taken by Rizin Fighting Federation on November 5, 2018 shows US boxer Floyd Mayweather Jr. (L) posing with his opponent, Japanese kickboxer Tenshin Nasukawa (R) during a press conference in Tokyo to announce their fight. - Boxing superstar Floyd Mayweather Jr said on november 5, 2018 he will come out of retirement to fight Japanese kickboxer half his age Tenshin Nasukawa, on New Year's Eve in Saitama. (Photo by Handout / RIZIN FIGHTING FEDERATION / AFP) / --- RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / RIZIN FIGHTING FEDERATION" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS --- NO ARCHIVES
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Két nappal tokiói sajtótájékoztatója után visszamondta a japán kick-boxos, Naszukava Tensin elleni mérkőzését a legendás ökölvívó, Floyd Mayweather.

A karrierje mind az 50 profi bokszmeccsén győztes amerikai szupersztár szerda este Instagram-oldalán írt arról, hogy őt és menedzsmentjét félrevezették Japánban. Amikor megérkeztek a sajtótájékoztatóra az előre megbeszéltekkel szemben teljesen másról volt szó.

Pózolás volt, meccs nem lesz Forrás: AFP/Handout

- írta a bokszoló, hozzátéve, hogy ott helyben le kellett volna állítaniuk a sajtótájékoztatót.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Now that I am back on U.S. soil after a long and disappointing trip to Tokyo, I now have the time to address you, my fans and the media in regard to the upcoming event on December 31st that was recently announced. First and foremost, I want it to be clear that I, Floyd Mayweather, never agreed to an official bout with Tenshin Nasukawa. In fact (with all due respect) I have never heard of him until this recent trip to Japan. Ultimately, I was asked to participate in a 9 minute exhibition of 3 rounds with an opponent selected by the "Rizen Fighting Federation". What I was originally informed of by Brent Johnson of "One Entertainment" was that this was to be an exhibition put on for a small group of wealthy spectators for a very large fee. This exhibition was previously arranged as a "Special Bout" purely for entertainment purposes with no intentions of being represented as an official fight card nor televised worldwide. Once I arrived to the press conference, my team and I were completely derailed by the new direction this event was going and we should have put a stop to it immediately. I want to sincerely apologize to my fans for the very misleading information that was announced during this press conference and I can assure you that I too was completely blindsided by the arrangements that were being made without my consent nor approval. For the sake of the several fans and attendees that flew in from all parts of the world to attend this past press conference, I was hesitant to create a huge disturbance by combating what was being said and for that I am truly sorry. I am a retired boxer that earns an unprecedented amount of money, globally, for appearances, speaking engagements and occasional small exhibitions.

Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) által megosztott bejegyzés,

A japán RIZIN nevű, kevert harcművészetekkel foglalkozó szövetség hétfői sajtótájékoztatóján - Mayweather jelenlétében - elhangzottak alapján a 41 éves legendás ökölvívó szilveszterkor Szajtamában küzdött volna meg a 20 éves hazai kedvenccel. Az viszont - amint a résztvevők akkor jelezték - még nem dőlt el, hogy milyen szabályrendszerben és melyik súlycsoportban küzdenek majd meg a felek.

Mayweather először a 49. meccse után vonult vissza 2015 szeptemberében, ám tavaly egy összecsapásra visszatért, melyen nagyon simán verte az MMA-s Conor McGregort.

Pedig a japán harcművész igazán komolyan vette a küszöbön álló meccset, nemrég még McGregornak is üzent.

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