Földön túli látványt nyújtanak a kínai szivárványhegyek - képek

Pszichedelikus helyek
View of colourful rock formations at the Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park in Gansu Province, China, 22 September 2012.
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A kínai Csangje Tanhszia Geológiai Park méltán híres világszerte. Itt láthatók ugyanis azok a színes hegyek, amelyek a homokkő és ásványok egymásra préselődéséből jöttek létre. A legalsó rétegek több tízmillió évvel ezelőtt alakultak ki, az erózióból származó homokrétegek pedig 200-400 ezer éve.
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Az alábbi képre kattintva galériát láthat a különleges képződményről!

Pszichedelikus helyek
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Chinese tourists damage ancient Danxia landform where dinosaurs roamed, post video to brag China Chinese Gansu Zhangye Danxia landform geological park tourist damage brag
Zhangye Danxia
Zhangye Danxia
Zhangye Danxia
Zhangye Danxia
Zhangye Danxia
Zhangye Danxia
Pszichedelikus helyek
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