Patkos, Andras

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He was attracted to the world of natural sciences and mathematics by school competitions and the Mathematics and Physics Journal for Secondary Schools He completed his university studies at Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE) and apart from the numerous invitations to various foreign universities, including Copenhagen, Bonn, Geneva, Uppsala and Strasbourg as a visiting researcher and later visiting professor, he has always worked at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of ELTE. In the first phase of his career, he was involved in experiments proving the existence of quarks then later to explain the unobservable nature of free quarks. Since the mid 1980's he has been researching ground-state particle physics, the characteristics of particle physics vacuum, and their changes in the Hot Universe He has guided many young researchers towards obtaining their PhD's, from whom a small research group has been formed. This group is developing and applying the methods of quantum theory in order to answer questions related to the early history of the Universe, the so-called Inflationary period.

Measuring the Universe

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