Horvath, Zalan

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Zalán Horváth was born in 1943 in Debrecen. He graduated from Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) as a physicist in 1967 and defended his PhD thesis in particle physics in 1970. He became a Doctor of Physics in 1991. Since1998 he has been a corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) and has been working at the Theoretical Physics Department of ELTE since 1971. From 1993 to 2001 he was head of department and between 1995 and 2001, head of department group. Since 2001 he has been heading the Graduate School of Physics at ELTE. He has participated in a number of foreign study tours including to Ireland, Italy, Germany, England and France. As well as teaching extensively, his scientific research work is in the field of theoretical elementary particle physics, quantum spatial theory, and string theory. In 1985 he received the Award of the Academy and in 1996 he obtained a Széchényi Professorial Scholarship. He has had 81 scientific works published, which have been independently referenced over a thousand times. He is a member of several committees and boards of trustees and he is president of the Physics Department of the Academy.

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