Suba, Ferenc J.D., M.A.

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Suba FerencSince 2004, Ferenc Suba is Special Envoy of the Minister, Ministry of Informatics and Telecommunications; General Manager of CERT-Hungary, the government's computer emergency response team; and Vice-chair of the Management Board of the European Network and Information Security Agency. From 2002-2004, he was in the Ministry of Informatics and Telecommunications as Head of the Informatics Regulation Department, where he was responsible for codification of informatics, setting up CERT-Hungary and the Hungarian National Scheme of IT Security Certification, international representation of Hungary in Common Criteria Recognition Agreement, Safer Internet Action Plan Programming Committee, European Network and Information Security Agency, and presiding the Information Security Sub-committee of the Hungarian Information Society Coordination Committee. During 2001-02, he was in the Government's Commissioner Office for ICT as Head of Codification Department, responsible for codification of informatics (e.g. Act on E-commerce, Act on E-signature). Before that in 2001-01, he was in the Ministry of Education as programme director, responsible for the foundation of Andrássy Gyula German Language University. Mr. Suba was a member of the Eötvös Collégium, the Hungarian counterpart of École Normale Supérieure, graduating with an M.A. in English and History at the Ruprechts-Karl University, Heidelberg in 1994, and receiving a J.D. at the Law Faculty of Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest in 2000. Now he is writing his PhD dissertation on the regulation of information society at the Széchenyi István University, Győr.

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