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Miklós Laczkovich was born in Budapest in 1948. In his youth, he attended a newly introduced, special course in mathematics at Mihály Fazekas Grammar School. He went on to further his studies at Eötvös University (ELTE), from where he graduated in 1971 with an MA in Mathematics. He has been working at the Department of Analysis at ELTE, of which he is now head, ever since. In 1993, he was accepted as a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and since 2001, he has also been a professor at the Department of Mathematics of University College London. His main area of research is the theory of real functions, on which he has published nearly 120 scientific papers.
In 1987, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences awarded Miklós Laczkovich their Mathematics Prize, and in 1993 he received the Ostrowski Prize for finding the solution to a long-unsolved problem originally postulated by Alfred Tarski. In 1996, he was awarded the Commander's Cross Order of Merit of the Hungarian Republic, and in 1998, he was a recipient of the prestigious Széchenyi Prize. He has been a visiting professor at numerous universities in England, Canada, Italy and the United States.

What is Mathematics? Discussing Mathematical Truth.

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