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Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
View of houses in Cabo Polonio, Rocha Department, southeastern Uruguay, on January 12, 2024. The remote fisherman's small village of Cabo Polonio lies in a cape between two long stripes of empty beaches in the Cabo Polonio National Park on the Uruguayan Atlantic coast. This iconic sleepy hamlet, with no Wi-Fi, electricity, running water nor streets, attracts laid back tourists from all walks of life. Cabo Polonio is home to one of the largest colonies of sea lions in South America, where sea lions and fur seals coexist in harmony. (Photo by Santiago MAZZAROVICH / AFP)
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Vágólapra másolva!
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
Cabo, Polonio, Uruguay, Rocha,
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