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Royals Victoria auction

Queen Victoria's onyx and seed pearl button
Royals Victoria auction Queen Victoria's onyx and seed pearl button
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Royals Victoria auction

Miniature photograph of Queen Victoria's mother
Royals Victoria auction

Inscription from Prince Albert
Royals Victoria auction

Queen Victoria's onyx and seed pearl button
Royals Victoria auction

Portrait miniature of Princess Alice
Royals Victoria auction
Queen Victoria's hardstone, enamel and diamond 'Alice' pendant
Royals Victoria auction

Banded agate and pearl pendant, 1878
Royals Victoria auction

Banded agate and diamond pendant, 1861
Royals Victoria auction

Miniature photograph of Queen Victoria's mother
Royals Victoria auction

Inscription from Prince Albert
Royals Victoria auction

Queen Victoria's onyx and seed pearl button
Royals Victoria auction

Portrait miniature of Princess Alice
Royals Victoria auction
Queen Victoria's hardstone, enamel and diamond 'Alice' pendant
Royals Victoria auction

Banded agate and pearl pendant, 1878
Royals Victoria auction

Banded agate and diamond pendant, 1861
Royals Victoria auction

Miniature photograph of Queen Victoria's mother
Royals Victoria auction

Inscription from Prince Albert
Royals Victoria auction

Queen Victoria's onyx and seed pearl button
Royals Victoria auction

Portrait miniature of Princess Alice
Royals Victoria auction
Queen Victoria's hardstone, enamel and diamond 'Alice' pendant
Royals Victoria auction

Banded agate and pearl pendant, 1878
Royals Victoria auction

Banded agate and diamond pendant, 1861
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