Elindult a világ legnagyobb konténerhajója

Dél-Kínai-tenger, olaj- és gázlétesítmények, olaj, gáz
(181127) -- BEIJING, Nov. 27, 2018 (Xinhua) -- A cargo ship loaded with oil and gas anchors in the sea area of Maoweihai of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Dec. 18, 2017. China's petroleum and chemical industry has generated some 712.1 billion yuan in total profit over the first nine months of 2018, up 45.2 percent from the same period of last year. With a total asset of 12.75 trillion yuan, up 6.1 percent over the same period last year, the sector has seen its asset-liability ratio fall by 1.16 percentage points to 54.19 percent. The sector's profit rate climbed up by 1.56 percentage points to 7.43 percent, thanks to the solid improvement in the operation efficiency of petroleum and natural gas exploration business as well as the good development momentum in oil refining and chemical industry. The overall prices of petroleum and natural gas surged by 24.6 percent during the January-September period, while those for chemical raw materials and chemical products jumped by 7.2 percent. The industry's total exports during the same period went up by 22.8 percent to 521.66 billion yuan. The growth rate was 8.6 percentage points higher than the same period of last year. Fixed assets investment in chemical raw materials and chemical manufacturing rose by 1.7 percent, the first increase since the end of January but lower than the 5.4-percent national average growth for industrial investment, according to the figures of the National Bureau of Statistics. (Xinhua/Zhang Ailin)(gxn)
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Útjára indult a világ legnagyobb konténerhajója, a HMM Algeciras, amely kapacitása összességében 23 964 TEU, a gigász pedig 400 méter hosszú.
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A HMM Algeciras megépítését 2018 szeptemberében kezdték és egyike azon 12 konténerhajónak, amelyet Dél-Korea rendelt. Az Algercias mellett mára hat másik monstrum is megépült, azonban eddig ez a legnagyobb 23 964 TEU-s kapacitásával.

Illusztráció Forrás: AFP/Xinhua/Zhang Ailin

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