Zárt kapus meccsre büntették a francia csapatot a pályára berohanó drukkerei miatt
2021. augusztus 26. 11:24
firo: 22.08.2021, football, soccer, LIGUE 1, season 2021/2022, 21/22 French league, OGC Nice (OGCN) - Olympique de Marseille (OM) Incidents between players of Marseille - among them Alvaro Gonzalez of OM - and supporters of OGC Nice who enter the pitch, chaos, storm of the Nice fans, throwing attacks of the Nice fans versus players from Marseille who throw back Our terms and conditions apply, can be viewed at www.firosportphoto.de, ONLY FOR USE IN GERMANY !!!!!! Photo: DPPI, copyright by firo sportphoto: Coesfelder Str. 207 D-48249 Dvşlmen www.firosportphoto.de mail@firosportphoto.de Account details: (V olksbank B ochum - W itten) IBAN: DE68430601290341117100 BIC: GENODEM1BOC Tel: ¬? ? + 49-2594-9916004 Fax: ¬? ? + 49-2594-9916005 (Photo by JEAN CATUFFE / augenklick/DPPI / dpa Picture-Alliance via AFP)