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W Magazine Celebrates The Best Performances Issue and The Golden Globes - Red Carpet GettyImageRank3
LOS ANGELES, CA - JANUARY 14: Actress Jenna Jameson arrives at W Magazine's Celebration of The Best Performances Issue and The Golden Globes held at at Chateau Marmont on January 14, 2011 in Los Angeles, California. Alexandra Wyman/Getty Images for W Magazine/AFP
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Az egykori pornószínésznő, Jenna Jameson nemrég azt mutatta meg, hogy 17 hónappal a szülés után visszanyerte a régi formáját, most pedig posztolt az Instagramon egy fotót arról is, hogy miként festett szülés után. Azt írta, nagyjából 85 kiló volt, de lehet, hogy több is, amiért bocsánatot kért a testétől (ezt mondjuk nem értjük miért, pláne kismamaként). Kis híján meggondolta magát a posztolás előtt, de végül kitette a képet, mutatjuk is.
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Ugh. I almost chickened out on posting this before image of me. This is me at my heaviest, probably around 187 maybe more. More than likely more. I asked my hubby to shoot a elbow up pic for a pro breastfeeding pic for IG. I don’t even know what to say, other than I’m so sorry to my body. Moving on. Let’s talk what a day of eating looks like for me on the 1 day I don’t practice #intermittentfasting I wake up with Batel around 7 am. I immediately chug 1-2 cups of coffee (regular instant) with a scoop of coconut oil and a splash of sugar free creamer (can’t stop won’t stop) In about an hour I make 3 scrambled eggs with mushrooms and a handful of Mexican mixed shredded cheese. I cut an avocado and take half. I then put Batel down for her nap at noon and work on my poshmark until she wakes at 2:30-3:00. I’m STARVING by then so I throw a ribeye steak in my cast iron skillet and grill it with purple onions and garlic. I serve it over kale. I don’t get enormously hungry for dinner so I usually bake a small fillet of fish (I love sea bass). That’s it! I get so many requests on what I eat so I may make this a weekly deal to help y’all with your #ketodiet ♥️ keep me updated on your progress, it makes me happy to hear your wins! Oh and can we just talk about my abs peeping through? #beforeandafterweightloss #bodytransformation #healthylifestyle #sober #bodypositive #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney #fitmom #healthylifestyle #keto #ketotransformation #beforeandafter

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