Vágólapra másolva!
Lezajlott a második adás, egy párostól el kellett búcsúzni a Dancing with the Starsban.
Vágólapra másolva!

Ezen a szombat estén kilenc páros állt színpadra, Hosszú Katinka és Suti András, Szabó Zsófi és Andrei Mangra, Tóth Gabi és Papp Máté Bence, Törőcsik Franciska és Baranya Dávid, Mihályfi Luca és Hegyes Bertalan, Kucsera Gábor és Stana Alexandra, WhisperTon és Tóth Katica, PSG Ogli és Szőke Zsuzsanna, valamint Südi Iringó és Vomberg Frigyes mutatták be a produkciójukat. 

Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
A második adás témája a halloween volt
Fotó: Polyák Attila - Origo 

A második adás témája a halloween volt, a ruhák, a sminkek és a díszlet mind egy halloween-bulit idéztek - Hosszú Katinta például Wednesday szerepében tangózott. Szabó Zsófi átlátszó, testhez simuló ruhája pedig semmit nem bízott a fantáziára.

Nézze meg az este legizgalmasabb perceit a galériában!

Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.
Dancing with the Stars, Dancing with the Stars 5 évad, DancingwiththeStars, DancingwiththeStars5évad, DancingwiththeStarsötödikévad, TV2, DancingwiththeStarsTV2, 2024.11.02.

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