Szabo, Miklos

Vágólapra másolva!
Lieutenant General
Vágólapra másolva!

Rector of the Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University. Higher education studies at the Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College in Szeged, Miklós Zrínyi National Defence University and at the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE University. Between 1989 and 1991 commander at the Máté Zalka, then at the János Bólyai Military Technical School. Earned his doctorate in humanities in 1977, academic "candidate" in military sciences in 1981, doctorate in military sciences 1987. Appointed university professor in 1988, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2001. Main area of research: history of the Royal Hungarian Air Force and military higher education after World War II. Rewarded with numerous prizes and medals for his activities as a soldier, educational manager and researcher. Married with two children and four grandchildren.

The 'Command of the Air' Theory - Aerial Warfare - the Royal Hungarian Air Force in the 1930s

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