David Bowie fia meghatóan búcsúztatta Nicolas Roeget - fotó
2018. november 26. 16:44
David Bowie has died following an 18-month battle with cancer. He was 69 years old.
News of his death was announced early Monday morning, 11th January 2016, via a statement posted to his website and social media accounts. The statement reads, “David Bowie died peacefully today surrounded by his family after a courageous 18 month battle with cancer. While many of you will share in this loss, we ask that you respect the family’s privacy during their time of grief.”
In photo: Portrait of David Bowie photographed at the Studio of artist Dante Leonoli in Hampstead, London in September 1969.
Vágólapra másolva!
David Bowie fia, a saját jogán is neves filmrendező, Duncan Jones közös fotóval búcsúztatta Nicolas Roeget, aki az apját rendezte A földre pottyant férfi című film alkalmával.
Just heard another great storyteller, the inimitable Nicolas Roeg left us today. What an incredible body of work he’s left us with! All my love to his family. Thank you for making so many brave choices, & giving this strange little lad in pajamas an ongoing love of filmmaking. pic.twitter.com/QVg2znq3Rs
A nagyszerű történetmesélő, az utánozhatatlan Nicolas Roeg elment. Köszönöm neki azt a sok bátor döntést, és hogy megszerettette a filmezést egy pizsamás kissráccal.
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