Kína legfiatalabb milliárdosa hatmilliárdot keresett egy hét alatt

Yang Huiyan
--FILE--Video screen shot taken on 23 October 2008 shows Yang Huiyan, right, a major shareholder of Country Garden and Chinese Mainlands richest woman, and her husband Chen Chong during their wedding ceremony in Foshan city, south Chinas Guangdong province, 2006. Rank: 3 (Forbes China Rich List 2008) Chinas richest lost 57 percent of their wealth in the past year amid plummeting stocks, falling property values and wrong-way currency bets, Forbes Asia said. The mainlands 40 wealthiest people are worth $52 billion, the magazine said in an e-mailed release. Liu Yongxing, 60, a Shanghai-based owner of animal-feed factories and aluminum smelters, topped the list with a net worth of $3 billion. He owns East Hope Group, one of Chinas biggest feed producers, Forbes said. His brother Liu Yonghao, 57, placed fourth with $2.2 billion. Gome Electrical Appliances Holdings Ltd. Chairman Huang Guangyu, 39, was second with $2.7 billion after selling $300 million of shares this year. Gomes shares have fallen 72 percent in 2008. Huang topped another list of Chinas richest, released this month by Hurun Inc., a Shanghai-based researcher, with his personal wealth estimated at $6.3 billion. Real-estate heiress Yang Huiyan, 27, of Country Garden Holdings Co., dropped to third place from the top of last years list. Her fortune fell by $14 billion to $2.22 billion partly because of poorly timed property acquisitions, the release said. Zhou Chengjian, 43, founder of the Chinese fashion retailer Metersbonwe, was a new entrant and ranked fifth. Zhou and his family have amassed $2 billion. Chinas strengthening currency helped to stop bigger declines in peoples fortunes. The yuan has gained about 7 percent against the dollar this year.
Vágólapra másolva!
Jang Hui-jan nemcsak országa legfiatalabb milliárdosa, hanem leggazdagabb nője is, aki 6,1 milliárd dollárral dobta meg vagyonát hét nap alatt – ennél csak az Amazon vezére, Jeff Bezos volt szerencsésebb.
Vágólapra másolva!

Jang személyes vagyonát 29,7 milliárd dollárra becsüli a Bloomberg Milliárdos Indexe, mivel ingatlancége remek évet tudhat maga mögött.

Jang Hui-jan férjével Forrás: AFP/Imaginechina/Feng Lei Sh

A kínai ingatlanpiaci fellendülés az utóbbi években több iparmágnás felemelkedését hozta,

mint például Hui Ka-jan – vagyona 39,3 milliárd dollár –, aki a China Evergrande Group elnöke, vagy Wang Jian-lin – vagyona 28,7 milliárd dollár –, ő egyébként a Dalian Wanda Group vezetője

Jang Hui-jan cége, a Country Garden Holdings 24 százalékos növekedést hozott össze január 10-ig idén. A cég részvényei több mint négyszeresére nőttek az elmúlt évben.

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