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Könyvek, könyvrészletek

Hámori J.: Az idegsejttől a gondolatig, Budapest, Kozmosz Könyvek, 1982.

Hámori J.: A veszélyeztetett értelem, Budapest, Kozmosz Könyvek, 1988.

Hámori J.: Anatomy and neurochemical anatomy of the cerebellum, In: Plaitakis A. (ed.), Cerebellar Degenerations: Clinical Neurobiology, Boston, Kluver Acad. Publ., 1992: 11-57.

Hámori J.: Az emberi agy aszimmetriái, Budapest-Pécs, Dialóg Campus Kiadó, 1999.

Közlemények magyar nyelven

Kőhidai L., Hámori J.: Külföldi modellek - hazai tudománytámogatás, In: Magyar Tudomány, 1997/12: 1491-1498.

Hámori J.: Aszimmetriák a biológiában: az ember, In: Magyar Tudomány, 1999/3: 302-310.

Hámori J.: Az idegrendszer plaszticitása, In: S. Illyés (szerk.): Gyógypedagógiai alapismeretek, 2000: 140-149.

Hámori J.: Az emberi agy és a nyelv, In: Magyar Szemle, 2001/10: 103-115.

Angol nyelvű közlemények

Csoknya M., Lengvári I., Benedeczky I., Hámori J.: Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of the enteric nervous system of earthworm, Lumbricus Terrestris L. Acta Biol. Hung. 1992/43: 241-251.

Roska T., Hámori J., Lábos E., Lotz K., Orzó L., Takács J., Venetianer P., Vidnyánszky Z., Zarándy Á.: The use of CNN models in the subcortical visual pathway. IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems - 1: Fundamental theory and applications. 1993/40: 182-195.

Takács J., Saillour P., Imber M., Bogner M., Hámori J.: Effect of dark rearing on the volume of visual cortex (areas 17 and 18) and number of visual cortical cells in young kittens, In: J. Neurosci. Res., 1992/32: 449-459.

Görcs T., Penke B., Bőti Zs., Katarova Z., Hámori J.: Immunohistochemical visualization of a metabotropic glutamate receptor, In: NeuroReport, 1993/4: 283-286.

Négyessy L., Takács J., Divac I., Hámori J.: A combined Golgi and postembedding GABA and glutamate electron microscopic study of the nucleus dorsomedialis thalami of the rat, In: Neurobiology, 1994/2: 325-341.

Takács J., Hámori J.: Developmental dynamics of Purkinje cells and dendritic spines in rat cerebellar cortex, In: J. of Neurosci. Res., 1994/38: 515-530.

Vidnyánszky Z., Görcs T., Hámori J.: Diazepam binding inhibitor fragment 33-50 (Octadecaneuropeptide) immunoreactivity in the cerebellar cortex is restricted to glial cells, In: Glia , 1994/10: 132-141.

Vidnyánszky Z., Hámori J. : Quantitative electron microscopic analysis of synaptic input from cortical areas 17 and 18 to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in cat., In: J. Comp. Neurol,. 1994: 349: 259-268.

Vidnyánszky Z., Hámori J., Négyessy L., Rüegg D., Knöpfel T., Kuhn R., Görcs T.: Cellular and subcellular localization of the mGluR5a metabotropic glutamate receptor in rat spinal cord., In: NeuroReport, 1994/6: 209-213.

Hámori J.: János Szentágothai (1912-1994), In: TINS 1995/18:4-5.

Négyessy L., Takács J., Mogensen J., Divac I., Hámori J.: Synaptic reorganisation of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus in adult rat following chronic prefrontal cortical lesions, In: J. Brain Res., 1995/36: 433-441.

Hámori J., Takács J., Görcs T.: Immunocytochemical localization of mGluR1a metabotropic glutamate receptor in inhibitory interneurons of the cerebellar cortex, In: Acta Biol. Hung., 1996/47: 181-194.

Vidnyánszky Z., Borostyánkői Zs., Görcs T., Hámori J.: Light and electron microscopic analysis of synaptic input from cortical area 17 to the lateral posterior nucleus in cats, In: Exp. Brain Res., 1996/109: 63-70.

Vidnyánszky Z., Görcs T., Négyessy L., Borostyánkői Zs., Kuhn R., Knöpfel T., Hámori J.: Immunocytochemical visualization of the mGluR1a metabotropic glutamate receptor at synapses of corticothalamic terminals originating from area 17 of the rat, In: Eur. J. Neurosci., 1996/8: 1061-1071.

Hámori J., Jakab R., Takács J.: Morphogenetic plasticity of neuronal elements in cerebellar glomeruli during deafferentation-induced synaptic reorganization, In: Journal of Neural Transplantation & Plasticity, 1997/6: 11-20.

Hámori J.: Neuronal plasticity as the neurobiological basis of conductive education, In: Conductive Education, 1997/1: 21-37.

Négyessy L., Vidnyánszky Z., Kuhn R., Knöpfel T., Görcs T., Hámori J.: Light and electron microscopic demonstration of mGluR5 Metabotropic Glutamate receptor immunoreactive elements in the rat cerebellar cortex. In: J. Comp. Neurol., 1997/385: 641-650.

Takács J., Gombos G., Görcs T., Becker T., De Barry J., Hámori J.: Distribution of metabotropic glutamate receptor type 1a in Purkinje cell dendritic spines is independent of the presence of presynaptic parallel fibers, In: J. Neurosci. Res., 1997/50: 433-442.

Négyessy L., Hámori J., Bentivoglio M.: Contralateral cortical projection to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus: origin and synaptic organization in the rat, In: Neuroscience, 1998/84: 741-753.

Borostyánkői Zs.,Görcs T., Hámori J.: Immunohistochemical mapping of NPY and VIP neuronal elements in the cat subcortical visual nuclei, with special reference to the pretectum and accessory optic system, In: Anat. Embryol. 1999/200/5: 495-508.

Takács J., Markova L., Borostyánkői Zs., Görcs T., Hámori J.: Metabotrop glutamate receptor type 1a expressing unipolar brush cells in the cerebellar cortex of different species: a comparative quantitative study, In: J. Neurosci. Res. 1999/55: 733-748.

Bálya D., Borostyánkői Zs., Brendel M., Gál V., Hámori J., Lotz K., Négyessy L., Orzó L., Petrás I., Rekeczky Cs., Roska T., Takács J., Venetianer P., Vidnyánszky Z., Zarándy Á. : Receptive field atlas of the retinotopic visual pathway and some other sensory organs using dynamic cellular network models. In: Hámori J., Roska T. (eds.): Analogical and Neural Computing Laboratory, Budapest, MTA-SZTAKI, DNS-8-2000, 2000.

Páli J., Rencz B., Hámori J.: Innervation of a single vibrissa in the whisker-pad of rats, In. NeuroReport, 2000/11: 849-851.

Takács J., Borostyánkői Zs., Veisenberger E., Vastagh Cs., Víg J., Görcs T., Hámori J.: Postnatal development of unipolar brush cells in the cerebellar cortex of cat, In: J. Neurosci. Res., 2000/61: 107-115.

Hámori J.: Plasticity and gender differences of the developing brain. In: Humbiol., Budapest, 2002/27: 13-16.

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