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Laczkovich M.: Sejtés és bizonyítás, Budapest, Typotech, 1998. (angol nyelvű kiadása: Conjecture and Proof, The Mathematical Association of America, 2001.)

Laczkovich M., T. Sós V.: Analízis I, Budapest, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó, 2005.

összefoglaló cikkek angolul

Laczkovich, M.: Paradoxical decompositions: a survey of recent results, In: First European Congress of Mathematics (Paris, July 6-10, 1992), Progress in Mathematics No. 120, Birkhäuser, Vol. II, 1994: 159-184.

Laczkovich, M., Halász, G., Lovász, L., Simonovits, M., T. Sós, V. (eds.): The difference property, In: Paul Erdős and his Mathematics, Springer, Vol. I, 2002: 363-410.

Laczkovich, M., Pap, E. (ed.): Paradoxes in measure theory, In: Handbook of Measure Theory, Elsevier, Vol. I, 2002: 83-123.

néhány további cikk angolul

Laczkovich, M.: Uniformly spread discrete sets in Rd, In: J. London Math. Soc. 46, 1992: 39-57.

Laczkovich, M.: Decomposition of sets with small boundary, In: J. London Math. Soc. 46, 1992: 58-64.

Laczkovich, M., Szekeres, Gy.: Tilings of the square with similar rectangles, In: Discrete and Computational Geometry 13, 1995: 569-572.

Laczkovich, M., Aronov, B., Basu, S., Pach, J., Sharir, M. (eds): Configurations with rational angles and Diophantine trigonometric equations, In: Discrete and Computational Geometry, The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift, Springer, 2003: 571-595.

Laczkovich, M.: Linear functional equations and Shapiro's conjecture, In: L'Enseignement Mathématique 50, 2004: 103-122.

Humke, P. D., Laczkovich, M.: Symmetrically approximately continuous functions, consistent density theorems, and Fubini type inequalities, In: Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357, 2005: 31-44.

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