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Kiss, I., Bencze, G., Fodor, A., Szabad, J., Fristrom, J.W.: Pupal-larval mosaics in Drosophila melanogaster, In: Nature, 262, 1976: 136-138.

Szabad, J., Simpson, P., Nöthiger, R.:Regeneration and compartments in Drosophila, In: J. Embryol. Exp. Morphol., 49, 1979: 229-241.

Wieschaus, E., Szabad, J.: The development and function of the female germ line in Drosophila: a cell lineage study, In: Developmental Biology, 68, 1979: 29-46.

Szabad, J., Schüpbach, T., Wieschaus, E.: Cell lineage and development of the larval epidermis in Drosophila melanogaster, In: Developmental Biology, 73, 1979: 256-271.

Szabad, J., Fajszi, Cs.: Control of female reproduction in Drosophila: genetic dissection using gynandromorphs, In: Genetics, 100, 1982: 61-78.

Szabad, J., Bryant, P.J.: The mode of action of "discless" mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, In: Developmental Biology, 93, 1982: 240-256.

Klingler, M., Erdélyi, M., Szabad, J., Nüsslein-Volhard, C.: The role of torso in determining the terminal anlagen of the Drosophila embryo, In: Nature, 335, 1988: 275-277.

Szabad, J., Hoffmann, Gy.: Analysis of follicle cell functions in Drosophila: the Fs(3)Apc mutation and the development of chorionic appendages, In: Developmental Biology, 131, 1989: 1-10.

Erdélyi, M., Szabad, J.: Isolation and characterization of dominant female sterile mutations of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Mutations on the third chromosome, In: Genetics, 122, 1989: 111-127.

Szabad, J., Erdélyi, M., Hoffmann, Gy., Szidonya, J., Wright, T.R.F.: Isolation and characterization of dominant female sterile mutations of Drosophila melanogaster. II. Mutations on the second chromosome, In: Genetics, 122, 1989: 823-835.

Szabad, J., Nöthiger, R.: Gynandromorphs of Drosophila suggest one common primordium for the somatic cells of the female and male gonads in the region of abdominal segments 4 and 5, In: Development, 115, 1992: 527-533.

Brunner, D., Oellers, N., Szabad, J., Biggs, W.H., Zipursky, S.A., Hafen, E.: A gain of function mutation in Drosophila MAP kinase activates multiple receptor tyrosine kinase signalling pathways, In: Cell, 76, 1994: 1-20.

Szabad, J., Máthé, E., Puro, J.: Horka, a dominant mutation of Drosophila, induces nondisjunction and, through paternal effect, chromosome loss and genetic mosaics, In: Genetics, 139, 1995: 1585-1599.

Máthé, E., Boros, I., Jósvay, K., Li, K., Kaufman, T.C., Szabad, J.: The Tomaj mutant alleles of a-tubulin 67C reveal a requirement of the encoded maternal specific tubulin isoform in the sperm aster, the cleavage spindle apparatus and neurogenesis during embryonic development in Drosophila, In: J. Cell Sci., 111, 1998: 887-896.

Szabad, J.: Genetic requirement of epidermal and female germ line cells in Drosophila in the light of clonal analysis, In: Int. J. Dev. Biol., 42, 1998: 257-262.

Tirián, L., Puro, J., Erdélyi, M., Boros, I., Papp, B., Lippai, M., Szabad, J.: The KetelD dominant-negative mutations identify maternal function of the Drosophila Importin-b gene required for cleavage nuclei formation, In: Genetics, 156, 2000: 1901-1912.

Belecz, I., Gonzalez, C., Puro, J., Szabad, J.: Dominant-negative mutant dynein allows spontaneous centrosome asssembly, uncouples chromosome and centrosome cycles, In: Current Biology, 11, 2001: 136-140.

Kuhfittig, S., Szabad, J., Schotta, G., Hoffmann, J., Máthé, E., Reuter, G.: PitkinD, a novel gain-of-function enhancer of position-effect-variegation, affects chromatin regulation during oogenesis and early embryogenesis in Drosophila, In: Genetics, 157, 2001: 1227-1244.

Timinszky, G., Tirián, L., Ferenc T. Nagy, F.T., Tóth, G., Perczel, A., Kiss-László, Z., Boros, I., Clarke, P. R., Szabad, J.: The Importin-b P446L dominant negative mutant protein loses RanGTP binding ability and blocks the formation of intact nuclear envelope, In: J. Cell Science, 115, 2002: 1675-1687.

Tirián, L., Timinszky, G., Szabad, J.: P446L-importin-b inhibits nuclear envelope assembly by sequestering nuclear envelope assembly factors to the microtubules, In: European Journal of Cell Biology, 82, 2003: 351-359.

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