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Szabó, C., Dóra, E., Faragó, M., Horváth, I., Kovách, A.G.B.: Noradrenaline induces rhythmic contractions of feline middle cerebral artery at low extracellular Mg2+ concentration. In: Blood Vessels, Vol. 27, 1990: 373-7.

Faragó, M., Szabó, C., Dóra, E., Horváth, I., Kovách, A.G.B.: Contractile and endothelium-dependent dilatory responses of cerebral arteries at various extracellular Mg2+ concentrations. In: J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 11, 1991: 161-4.

Szabó, C., Hardebo, J.E., Owman, C.: An amplifying effect of exogenous and neurally stored 5-HT on the neurogenic contraction in rat tail artery. In: Br J Pharmacol, Vol. 102, 1991: 401-7.

Szabó, C., Faragó, M., Dóra, E., Horváth, I., Kovách, A.G.B.: Endothelium-dependent influence of small changes in extracellular Mg2+ concentration on the tone of feline middle cerebral arteries. In: Stroke, Vol. 22, 1991: 785-9,.

Benyó, Z., Kiss, G., Szabó, C., Csáki, C., Kovách, A.G.B.: Importance of basal nitric oxide synthesis in the regulation of myocardial blood flow. In: Cardiovasc Res, Vol. 25, 1991: 700-3.

Kovách, A.G.B., Szabó, C., Benyó, Z., Csáki, C., Greenberg, J.H., Reivich, M.: Effects of NG-nitro-L-arginine and L-arginine on regional blood flow in the cat. In: J Physiol (Lond.), Vol. 449, 1992: 183-96.

Thiemermann, C., Szabó, C., Mitchell, J.A., Vane, J.R.: Vascular hyporeactivity to vasoconstrictor agents and haemodynamic decompensation in hemorrhagic shock is mediated by nitric oxide. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Vol. 90, 1993: 267-71.

Szabó, C., Mitchell, J.A., Thiemermann, C., Vane, J.R.: Nitric oxide mediated hyporeactivity to noradrenaline precedes nitric oxide synthase induction in endotoxin shock. In: Br J Pharmacol, Vol. 108, 1993: 786-92.

Szabó, C., Wu, C.C., Mitchell, J.A., Gross, S.S., Thiemermann, C., Vane, J.R.: Platelet-activating factor contributes to the induction of nitric oxide synthase by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. In: Circ Res, Vol. 73, 1993: 991-9.

Szabó, C., Thiemermann, C., Wu, C.C., Perretti, M., Vane, J.R.: Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase induction by endogenous glucocorticoids accounts for endotoxin tolerance in vivo. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Vol. 91, 1994: 271-5.

Szabó, C., Southan, G.J., Thiemermann, C.: Beneficial effects and improved survival in rodent models of septic shock with S-methyl-isothiourea sulfate, a novel, potent and selective inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide synthase. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Vol. 91, 1994: 2472-6.

Southan, G.J., Szabó, C., Thiemermann, C.: Isothioureas: potent inhibitors of nitric oxide synthases with variable isoform selectivity. In: Br J Pharmacol, Vol. 114, 1995: 510-6.

Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L., Ischiropoulos, H.: Endotoxin triggers the expression of an inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase and the formation of peroxynitrite in the rat aorta in vivo. In: FEBS Letters, Vol. 363, 1995: 235-8.

Szabó, C., Zingarelli, B., O'Connor, M., Salzman, A.L.: DNA strand breakage, activation of poly-ADP ribosyl synthetase, and cellular energy depletion are involved in the cytotoxicity in macrophages and smooth muscle cells exposed to peroxynitrite. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Vol. 93, 1996: 1753-8.

Zingarelli, B., O'Connor, M., Wong, H., Salzman, A.L., Szabó, C.: Peroxynitrite-mediated DNA strand breakage activates poly-ADP ribosyl synthetase and causes cellular energy depletion in macrophages stimulated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide. In: J Immunol, Vol. 156, 1996: 350-8.

Salzman, A.L., Denenberg, A.G., Ueta, I., O'Connor, M., Linn, S., Szabó, C.: Characterization of the induction and activity of the human nitric oxide synthase in a transformed intestinal epithelial cell line. In: Am J Physiol, Vol. 270, 1996: G565-73.

Szabó, C., Zingarelli, B., Salzman, A.L.: Role of poly-ADP ribosyltransferase activation in the nitric oxide- and peroxynitrite-induced vascular failure. In: Circ Res, Vol. 78, 1996: 1051-63.

Szabó, C., Ferrer-Sueta, G., Zingarelli, B., Southan, G.J., Salzman, A.L., Radi, R: Mercaptoethylguanidine and related guanidine nitric oxide synthase inhibitors react with peroxynitrite and protect against peroxynitrite-induced oxidative damage. In: J Biol Chem, Vol. 272, 1997: 9030-6.

Suarez-Pinzon, W.L., Szabó, C., Rabinovitch, A.: Development of autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice is associated with the formation of peroxynitrite in pancreatic islet beta-cells. In: Diabetes, Vol. 46, 1997: 907-11.

Szabó, C., Cuzzocrea, S., Zingarelli, B., O'Connor, M., Salzman, A.L.: Endothelial dysfunction in endotoxic shock: importance of the activation of poly (ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS) by peroxynitrite. In: J Clin Invest, Vol. 100, 1997: 723-35.

Szabó, C., Lim, L.H., Cuzzocrea, S., Getting, S.J., Zingarelli, B., Flower, R.J., Salzman, A.L., Perretti, M.: Inhibition of poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase exerts anti-inflammatory effects and inhibits neutrophil recruitment. In: J Exp Med, Vol. 186, 1997: 1041-9.

Kennedy, M., Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L.: Activation of poly (ADP ribose) synthetase (PARS) mediates cytotoxicity induced by peroxynitrite in human intestinal epithelial cells. In: Gastroenterology, Vol. 114, 1998: 510-18.

Endres, M., Scott, G.S., Salzman, A.L., Kun, E., Moskowitz, M., Szabó, C.: Protective effects of 5-iodo-6-amino-1,2-benzopyrone, a potent inhibitor of poly (ADP) ribose synthetase against peroxynitrite-induced astrocyte damage and stroke development. In: Eur J Pharmacol, Vol. 351, 1998: 377-82.

Zingarelli, B., Salzman, A.L., Szabó, C.: Genetic disruption of poly (ADP ribose) synthetase inhibits the expression of P-selectin and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. In: Circ Res, Vol. 83, 1998: 85-94.

Virág, L., Salzman, A.L., Szabó, C.: Poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase activation mediates mitochondrial injury during oxidant-induced cell death. In: J Immunol, Vol. 161, 1998: 3753-9.

Szabó, C., Dawson, V.L.: Role of poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase activation in inflammation and reperfusion injury. In: Trends Pharmacol Sci, Vol. 19, 1998: 287-298.

Zingarelli, B., Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L.: Poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase triggers a positive feedback cycle of neutrophil recruitment, oxidant generation, and mucosal injury in colitis. In: Gastroenterology, Vol. 116, 1999: 335-45.

Eaves-Pyles, T., Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L.: Bacterial adhesion mediates microbial activation of NF-kB in enterocytes. In: Infect Immun, Vol. 67, 1999: 800-4.

Scott, G.S., Jakeman, L., Stokes, B., Szabó, C.: Production of peroxynitrite and activation of poly (ADP-ribose) synthetase in spinal cord trauma. In: Ann Neurol, Vol. 45, 1999: 120-4.

Wilson, L., Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L.: Protein kinase C-dependent activation of NF-kappaB in enterocytes is independent of IkappaB degradation. In: Gastroenterology, Vol. 117, 1999: 106-14.

Yang, Z., Zingarelli, B., Szabó, C.: The crucial role of endogenous interleukin-10 production in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. In: Circulation, Vol. 101, 2000: 1019-26.

Haskó, G., Kuhel, D.G., Chen, J.F., Schwarzschild, M.A., Deitch, E.A., Mabley, J.G., Marton, A., Szabó, C.: Adenosine inhibits IL-12 and TNF production via adenosine A2a receptor-dependent and independent mechanisms. In: FASEB J, Vol. 14, 2000: 2065-74.

Haskó, G., Kuhel, D.G., Németh, Z.H., Mabley, J.G., Stachlewitz, R.F., Virág, L., Lohinai, Z., Southan, G.J., Salzman, A.L., Szabó, C.: Inosine inhibits inflammatory cytokine production by a post-transcriptional mechanism and protects against endotoxic shock. In: J Immunol, Vol. 164, 2000: 1013-9.

Liaudet, L., Soriano, F.G., Szabó, E., Virág, L., Mabley, J.G., Salzman, A.L., Szabó, C.: Protection against hemorrhagic shock in mice genetically deficient in poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. In: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, Vol. 97, 2000: 10203-8.

Soriano, F.G., Virág, L., Jagtap, P., Szabó, É., Mabley, J.G., Liaudet, L., Marton, A., Hoyt, D.G., Murthy, K.G.K., Salzman, A.L., Southan, G.J., Szabó, C.: Diabetic endothelial dysfunction: the role of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activation. In: Nature Medicine, Vol. 7, 2001: 108-13.

Eaves-Pyles, T., Murthy, K., Liaudet, L., Virag, L., Ross, G., Soriano, F.G., Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L.: Flagellin: a novel mediator of Salmonella-induced systemic inflammation IkB degradation, induction of nitric oxide synthase, induction of pro-inflammatory mediators and cardiovascular dysfunction. In: J Immunol, Vol. 166, 2001: 1248-60.

Soriano, F.G., Mabley, J.G., Pacher, P., Liaudet, L., Szabó, C.: Rapid reversal of the diabetic endothelial dysfunction by pharmacological inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. In: Circ Res, Vol. 89, 2001: 684-91.

Szabó, G., Bährle, S., Stumpf, N., Sonnenberg, K., Szabó, É., Dengler, T.J., Pacher, P., Csont, T., Schulz, R., Jagtap, P., Southan, G.J., Liaudet, L., Szabó, C,: A novel potent poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor reduces reperfusion injury after heart transplantation. Int: Circ Res, Vol. 90, 2002: 100-6.

Liaudet, L., Mabley, J.G., Pacher, P., Virág, L., Soriano, F.G., Marton, A., Haskó, G., Deitch, E.A., Szabó, C.: Inosine exerts a broad range of anti-inflammatory effects in a murine model of acute lung injury. In: Ann Surg, Vol. 235, 2002: 568-78.

Pacher, P., Liaudet, L., Soriano, F.G., Mabley, J.G., Szabó, É., Szabó, C.: The role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in the development of myocardial and endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus. In: Diabetes, Vol. 51, 2002: 514-21.

Pacher, P., Liaudet, L., Soriano, F.G., Komjáti, K., Mabley, J.G., Szabó, C.: The role of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase in the development of chronic heart failure. In: J Am Coll Cardiol, Vol. 40, 2002: 1006-16.

Szabó, C., Zanchi, A., Komjáti, K., Pacher, P., Krolewski, A.S., Quist, W.C., Horton, E.S., LoGerfo, F.W., Veves, A.: Poly (ADP-Ribose) polymerase-1 is activated in subjects at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and is associated with impaired vascular reactivity. In: Circulation, Vol. 106, 2002: 2680-6.

Szabó, C., Mabley, J., Moeller, S.M., Shimanovich, R., Pacher, P., Virág, L., Soriano, F.G., VanDuzer, J.H., Williams, W., Salzman, A.L., Groves, J.T.: Pathogenetic role of peroxynitrite in the development of diabetes and diabetic vascular complications: studies with FP15, a novel potent peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst. In: Mol Med, Vol. 8, 2002: 571-80.

Virág, L., Szabó, C.: The therapeutic potential of PARP inhibition. In: Pharmacological Reviews Vol. 54, 2002: 375-429.

Pacher, P., Liaudet, L., Bai, P., Mabley, J.G., Kaminsky, P., Virág, L., Deb, A., Szabó, É., Ungvári, Z., Wolin, M.S., Szabó, C.: A potent peroxynitrite decomposition catalyst protects against the development of doxorubicin-induced heart failure. In: Circulation, Vol. 107, 2003: 896-04.

Du, L., Zhang, X., Han, Y.Y., Burke, N.A., Kochanek, P.M., Watkins, S.C., Reynolds, I.J., Graham, S.H., Carcillo, J.A., Szabó, C., Clark, R.S.B.: A direct role for mitochondrial poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in apoptosis. In: J Biol Chem, Vol. 278, 2003: 18426-33.

Du, X., Matsumura, T., Edelstein, D., Rosetti, L., Zsengellér, Z., Szabó, C., Brownlee, M.: Inhibition of GAPDH activity by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activates three major pathways of hyperglycemic damage in endothelial cells. In: J. Clin. Invest, Vol. 112, 2003: 1049-57.

Murthy, K.G.K., Deb, A., Goonesekera, S., Szabó, C., Salzman, A.L.: Identification of conserved domains in Salmonella muenchen flagellin that are essential for its ability to activate TLR5 and to induce an inflammatory response in vitro. In: J Biol Chem, Vol. 279, 2004: 5667-75.

Szabó, C., Pacher, P., Zsengellér, Z., Vaslin, A., Komjáti, K., Benkö, R., Mabley, J.G., Min, C., Kollai, M.: Angiotensin II mediated endothelial dysfunction: role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation. In: Mol Med, Vol. 10, 2004: 28-35.

Chen, M., Zsengellér, Z., Xiao, C.Y., Szabó, C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase regulates the translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor in cardiac myocytes during oxidant stress. In: Cardiovasc Res, Vol. 63, 2004: 682-8.

Haskó, G., Sitkovsky, M., Szabó, C.: Anti-inflammatory effects of inosine. In: Trends Pharmacol Sci, Vol. 25, 2004: 152-157.

Xiao, C.Y., Chen, M., Zsengellér, Z., Li, H., Kiss, L., Kollai, M., Szabó, C.: Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase promotes cardiac remodeling, contractile failure and translocation of apoptosis-inducing factor in a murine experimental model of aortic banding and heart failure. In: J Pharmacol Exp Ther, Vol. 312, 2005: 891-8.

Pacher, P., Schulz, R., Liaudet, L., Szabo, C.: Nitrosative stress and pharmacological modulation of heart failure. In: Trends Pharmacol Sci, Vol. 26, 2005: 302-10.

Mabley, J.G., Horvath, E., Murthy, K., Zsengeller, Z., Vaslin, A., Benko, R., Kollai, M., Szabo, C.: Gender differences in the endotoxin-induced inflammatory and vascular responses: potential role of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activation. In: J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005 Aug 4 [Epub ahead of print]

Jagtap, P., Szabó, C.: Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors. In: Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, Vol. 4, 2005: 421-440.

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