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Magyar anyagok

Szántay Cs.: Elméleti szerves kémia, Egyetemi tankönyv, Műegyetemi Kiadó, Budapest, 1996. [4. kiadás]

Szántay Cs., Baloghné-Kardos Zs., Moldvai I., Szántay Cs., ifj, Temesváriné Major E., Blaskó G.: Egy új alkaloid, az epibatidin, In: Magyar Kémikusok Lapja, 53, 1998: 118-123.

Külföldi anyagok

Böröck, P., Gulyás, B., Ádám-Vizi, V., Nemes, A., Kárpáti, E., Kiss, B., Kapás, M., Szántay, Cs., Koncz, I,. Zelles, T., Vas, Á.: Role of sodium channel inhibition in neuroprotection: Effect of vinpocetine, In: Brain Research Bulletin, 53, 2000: 245-254.

Szabó, L., Bölcskei, H., Baitz-Gács, E., Mák, M., Szántay, Cs.: Synthesis of Vinca alkaloids and related compounds. 96. nitration study of vinblastin-type. Bisindol alkaloids, Arch. Pharm. Pharm. Med. Chem., 334, 2001: 399-405.

Gulácsi, K., Litkei, Gy., Antus, S., Szántay, Cs., Darkó, L. I., Szelényi, J., Haskó, Gy., Vizi, E. Sz.: Synthesis and biological activity of the structural analogues of (-)-Cabenegrin A-1, Arch. Pharm. Pharm .Med. Chem., 334, 2001: 53-61.

Lukács, A., Szabó, L., Hazai, L., Szántay, Cs. Jr., Mák, M., Gorka, Á., Szántay, Cs.: Seven-membered ring formation through Grewe-cyclization, Tetrahedron, 57, 2001: 5843-5850.

Moldvay, I., Temesváry-Major, E., Gács-Baitz, E., Incze, M., Szántay, Cs.: Synthetic approach to ergoline skeleton, Natural Product Chemistry at the Turn of the Century, Edited by Atta-ur-Rahman. Proceedings of the 8th-International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry, Karachi, Print Arts, 2002: 135-144.

Éles, J., Kalaus, Gy., Greiner, I., Kajtár-Peredy, M., Szabó, P., Szabó, L., Szántay, Cs.: Synthesis of Vinca alkaloids and related compounds. 101 A new convergent synthetic pathway to build up the aspidospermane skeleton. Simple synthesis of 3-oxovincadifformine and 3-oxominovincine. Attempts to produce 15béta-hydroxyvincadifformine, Tetrahedron, 58, 2002: 8921-8927.

Kalaus, Gy., Léder, L., Greiner, I., Kajtár-Peredy, M., Vékey, K., Szabó, L., Szántay, Cs.: Synthesis of Vinca alkaloids and related compounds 102. Simple synthesis and ring transformation of (±)-minovincine. First synthesis of (±)-vincaminine, Tetrahedron, 59, 2003: 5661-5666.

Moldvai, I., Temesvári-Major, E., Incze, M., Szentirmay, É., Gács-Baitz, E., Szántay, Cs.: Enantioefficient synthesis of ?-ergocryptine: First direct synthesis of (+)-lysergic acid, J. Org. Chem., 69, 2004: 5993-6000.

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