Mi lett a nyolcvanas évek gyereksztárjaival? - képek

Melissa Gilbert, A farm, ahol élünk
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A kilencvenes évek gyereksztárjai után vetünk egy pillantást az előző évtized híres gyerekeire is, akikkel sok mai harmincas, negyvenes szinte együtt nőtt fel. Kíváncsi rá, hogy mit csinál ma Corey Feldman vagy Lukas Haas, hogy néz ki felnőttként az Egy farm, ahol élünk szeplős, vörös hajú kislánya? Kattintson a cikkben lévő fotókra, nézze meg galériánkat is!
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Sean Astin

Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3

1985-ben, tizennégy évesen tűnt fel a Kincsvadászok főszerepében, és azóta is rendszeresen foglalkoztatják, felnőttként Csavardi Samu volt a leghíresebb szerepe A Gyűrűk Ura-trilógiában. A Stranger Things rajongói is emlékezhetnek rá a második évadból, jelenleg pedig a No Good Nick-ben szerepel, de például az Agymenők-ben is láthattuk idén három epizódban.

Corey Feldman

Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3

Szintén benne volt a Kincsvadászok-ban, majd az Állj mellém!-ben és Az elveszett fiúk-ban, ma viszont már inkább szinkronmunkái vannak, legutóbb a Tini nindzsa teknőcök-höz kölcsönözte a hangját. Életrajzi könyvében drogproblémáiról is írt, illetve arról is beszámolt, hogy a filmiparban többen molesztálták még gyerekként – Michael Jacksont azonban megvédte az emlékezetes perben. Tavaly leszúrták a saját kocsijában, de megúszta könnyebb sérülésekkel.

Melissa Gilbert

Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3

Az egykori Laura Ingalls, A farm, ahol élünk vörös hajú, szeplős kislánya jórészt tévéfilmekben és sorozatokban szerepel, bár van, hogy éveket kihagy, 2007 és 2015 között például csak 2011-ben vállalt munkát. 2001 és 2005 között az amerikai színészszakszervezet elnöke volt, a politikai pályával is kacérkodik: a 2016-os amerikai választásokon indult is képviselőként, de aztán egészségügyi okokra hivatkozva visszalépett – kiújult ugyanis a sérülése, amit a Dancing with the Stars-ban szerzett.

Joey Lawrence

Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3
Sean Astin a Kincsvadászokban
CineConcerts Presents "Rudy" In Concert 25th Anniversary Celebration GettyImageRank1 bestof topix
Famous' Post-Show Talkback Panel - The Truth Is Exposed, Now What? GettyImageRank3 BOARD Famous People SHOES VERTICAL Looking At Camera Full Length SUNGLASSES USA Black Color White Color Striped California One Person TUXEDO ARRIVAL Photography SHIRT West
Melissa Gilbert Signs Copies Of Her Children's Book "Daisy And Josephine" GettyImageRank2 Lexington VERTICAL USA New York City LITERATURE VISIT Melissa Gilbert Arts Culture and Entertainment Celebrities Barnes & Noble
WE tv Celebrates The Premiere Of "Braxton Family Values" GettyImageRank3
2019 Fox Upfront GettyImageRank2 arts culture and entertainment celebrities new york city new york
3rd Annual KLOVE Fan Awards At The Grand Ole Opry House - Arrivals GettyImageRank1 VERTICAL USA Tennessee Nashville ACTOR Fan - Enthusiast Award Arts Culture and Entertainment Attending Grand Ole Opry House Kirk Cameron Annual Event 2015 KLOVE Topix Besto
Premiere Of "Midgets Vs. Mascots" At The 2009 Tribeca Film Festival VERTICAL GettyImageRank2
Witness Cinema young boy HORIZONTAL
The Levi's Brand Presents Neon Carnival with Bondi Sands and POKÉMON: Detective Pikachu GettyImageRank3

Itthon kevésbé volt ismert gyerekként, az Egyesült Államokban azonban két Joey szerepében is szívesen nézték: 1983 és 1987 között a Gimme a Break!-ben, 1990-től 1995-ig pedig a Blossom-ban játszott. A keresztnevét aztán egy harmadik sorozatban is megtarthatta, ő volt a másik címszereplője Melissa Joan Hart 2010-ben indult szériájának, a Melissa és Joey-nak. Olyan produkciókban is vendégszerepelt, mint a New York-i helyszínelők, a Kaliforgia vagy a Hawaii Five-0, tavaly azonban így is csődöt jelentett, miután a feleségével együtt több százezer dolláros adósságot halmoztak fel.

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