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Cohen, D.; Postel, J. B.: The ISO Reference Model and Other Protocol Architectures; IFIP'83, Paris, 1983. September: 29-34.

Licklider, J.; Clark, W.: On-Line Man-Computer Communication; AFIPS SJCC, 1962.

Kleinrock, L.: Communication Nets; Stochastic Message Flow and Delay, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1964. (Out of Print) Reprinted by Dover Publications, 1972. (Published in Russian, 1971, Published in Japanese, 1975.)

Licklider; Taylor The Computer as a Communication Device; Science and Technology, 1968. (as found in the DEC memoriam, with copyright page)

Fraser,A. : "Early Experiments with Asynchronous Time Division Networks"; IEEE Network Magazine, 1993. January:12-26 on the history of virtual circuit switching in the period 1969 to 1984.

Pouzin, L. (ed.): The Cyclades Computer Network - Towards Layered Network Architectures, North Holland Publishing Co, 1982: 387. (on the Cyclades project developed between 1972-1975)

Roberts, L. Internet Chronology by Larry Roberts - his history of the U.S. activities that he was involved with to build the Arpanet.

Bass, C.: Data networks' endangered and protected species; Data Commun, Vol.16(11); 1987. October: 293-304.

Beranek, B.: Features of internetwork protocol (Draft), Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, Inst. for Computer Sciences and Technology; Newman, Inc 1980 July; ICST.HLNP-80-8. 67 p.

Datapro Research Corp. Transmission Control Protocol.Internet Protocol (TCP.IP), An overview. In: Datapro reports on data communications. Vol. 1. Delran, NJ: Datapro; 1987. November.

Davies, B.H.; Bates, A.S.; Feinler, E.J.; Jacobsen, O.J.; Stahl, M.K.; Ward, C.A.(ed.): Internetworking in a military environment, In. DDN protocol handbook: Supplement., Vol. 3. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, DDN Network Information Center; 1985. December.

National Bureau of Standards, Inst. for Computer Sciences and Technology. Military supplement to ISO Transport Protocol. Washington, DC: NBS ICST; 1985 December; ICST.SNA-85-17. 31 p.

Oliver,B. (ed.): Project Cyclops: A Design Study Of A System For Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life, NASA Publication CR 114445, Revised Edition, 1973.

Christian, J.L. (ed.): Extraterrestrial Intelligence - The First Encounter, Prometheus Books, 1976.

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