Szabo, Miklos

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Vágólapra másolva!

Born in Szombathely in 1940, Miklós Szabó graduated in archaeology and as a Latin teacher. Initially he worked in the museum sector. In 1989 he was appointed professor at Eötvös Lóránd University and between 1993 to 1999 he was rector. Currently, he is the Director of the Archaeological Institute and is leader of the Bibracte Hungarian excavation and the Hungarian-French excavations in Hungary. He regularly teaches abroad, mainly in French Universities. He is a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and corresponding member of the French Academy, the Royal Academy of Barcelona, the German Archaeological Institute and the Archaeological Association of Athens. He is doctor honoris causa of the University of Bologna and the University of Dijon. In 2001 he obtained the French Légion d'honneur Commander Class. He has published many books and studies on Ancient Greek art and the history of the Celts.

The Anatomy of a Migration (Confronting History with Archaeology)

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