Károly Härtlein

Vágólapra másolva!
engineer  (BME Institute of Physics)
Vágólapra másolva!

He was born in 1959; he received his degree in engineering and business administration from the Bánki Donát Technical College in 1980, and his engineering-teacher's degree in 1984. In 1990, he obtained his physics teacher's degree at ELTE University. Up until 1989, he taught in secondary schools; and since then he has been managing the demonstration laboratory in the Institute of Physics at the Technical University of Budapest. He has presented the experiments and teaching methods developed by him at many domestic and international conferences. He regularly delivers lectures in the Palace of Wonders in Budapest. We can often see him experiment on popular science programs on the Duna Television and Magyar Television channels. He was a member of the Hungarian delegation at two international 'Physics on Stage' conferences. In 2003, he won the Teachers Award of EIROFORUM. He is the secretary of the advisory board of the foundation that operates the Palace of Wonders, deputy secretary general of the Eötvös Loránd Society of Physics, and chief organiser of the Conference of Sceptics in Budapest.

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