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19:25VívásEszter Muhari-Auriane Mallo-Breton

Így néz majd ki Dubaj legújabb felhőkarcolója (videó+galéria)

Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
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Újabb turistacsalogató látványosságot építenek Dubajban: a különleges megjelenésű felhőkarcoló formavilágát a sivatagi homokdűnék ihlették.
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A Burj Jumeira 550 méteres magasságával az Egyesült Arab Emírségek fővárosának, Dubajnak a második, illetve a világ hatodik legmagasabb épülete lesz – írja a Deezen.com.

Az egyedi formavilágot tükröző felhőkarcoló egy mesterséges tóból emelkedik majd ki, amely az ország uralkodójának ujjlenyomatát mintázza.

Jumeira kerület most formálódó új városközpontjának központi eleme lesz.

(A képre kattintva megtekintheti galériánkat.)

Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló
Dubai Holding has released details of the latest skyscraper planned for the UAE metropolis. The Burj Jumeira will soar 550 meters in the air, “inspired by the harmonious ripples of the UAE’s desert sand dunes and its flowing oases. felhőkarcoló

Az épület elkészültét követően közösségi, kulturális és művészeti eseményeknek, rendezvényeknek fog otthont adni. Üzletek sokasága, szökőkutak és egy nyitott amfiteátrum veszi majd körül.

Különleges formáját a sivatag harmonikus homokdűnéinek sziluettjei ihlették. Az pedig, hogy egy tóból emelkedik ki, a homoktengerből kibukkanó, életet adó oázisokat szimbolizálja.

A kivitelezés január végén kezdődött el, és Dubaj új nevezetességének első fázisa 2023-re készül el.
A Burj Jumeira kapcsán érdemes kiemelni, hogy a közel-keleti olajállamban tavaly 13 felhőkarcolót adtak át, aminek alapján a világ azon három országának egyike voltak, ahol a legtöbb 200 méternél magasabb épületet avatták fel a múlt évben.

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