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Heszky L., Fésüs L., Hornok L.: Mezőgazdasági biotechnológia, Budapest, Agroinform Kiadó, 2005.

Dudits D., Heszky L.: Növényi biotechnológia és géntechnológia, Budapest, Agroinform Kiadóház Rt., 2003.

Dudits D., Heszky L.: Növénybiotechnológia, Budapest, Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, 1990.

Heszky, L. E., Simon-Kiss, I., Do Q. Binh: Release of rice variety 'DAMA' developed through haploid somaclone breeding, In: Y.P.S. Bajaj (ed.) Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry. Vol. 36. (Somaclonal variation in Crop Improvement II.) 46-54. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Springer Verlag, 1996.

Heszky, L. E., Enyingi, K., Szabó, I.: Tissue culture technology for long-term storage and propagation of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) germplasms, In: S.K. Sen, K.L. Giles (eds.): Plant Cell Culture in Crop Improvement Vol.9-16, New York - London, Plenum Press, 1983.

Heszky L., Mesch J.: Anther culture investigations in cereal gene bank collection, In: J. Plant Breeding, Vol.77, 1976: 187-197.

Heszky L.E., Do Q.B., Kiss E., Gyulai G.: Increase of green plant regeneration efficiency by callus selection in Puccinellia limosa (Schur.) Holmbg, In: Plant Cell Reports, Vol. 8, 1989: 174-177, 1989.

Do Q. Binh, Heszky L.E.: Restoration of regeneration potential of long-term cell culture in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by salt pretreatment, In: J. Plant Physiology Vol.136, 1990: 336-340, 1990.

Bucherna N., Szabó E., Heszky L.E., Nagy I.: DNA methylation and gene expression differences during alternative in vitro morphogenetic processes in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.), In: In vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant, Vol.37, 2001: 672-677.

Törjék O, Bucherna N., Kiss E., Homoki H., Finta-Korpelová Z., Bócsa I., Nagy I., Heszky L.E.: Novel male specific molecular markers (MADC5, MADC6) for sex identification in hemp, In: Euphytica Vol.127, 2002: 209-218.

Galli Z., Halász G., Kiss E., Heszky L., Dobránszki J.: Molecular identification of commercias apple cultivars with microsatellite markers, In: HortScience Vol.40 (7), 2005: 1974-1977.

Szabó Z., Gyulai G., M. Humphreys, Horváth L., Bittsánszky A., Lágler R., Heszky L.E.: Genetic variation of melon (C. melo) compared to an extinct landrace from the Middle Ages (Hungary) I. rDNA, SSR and SNP analysis of 47 cultivars, In: Euphytica Vol.146, 2005: 87-94.

Balogh A., Koncz T., Tisza V., Kiss E., Heszky L.E.: The effect of 1-MCP on the expression of several ripening-related genes in strawberries, In: HortScience Vol.40 (7), 2005: 2088-2090.

Bittsánszky, A., Kőmíves, T., Gullner, G., Gyulai, G., Kiss, J., Heszky, L., Radimszky, L., Rennenberg, H.: Ability of transgenic poplars with elevated glutathione content to tolerate Zinc (2+) stress, In: Environment International Vol.31: 251-254, 2005.

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