Vizi E. Szilveszter publikációs listája

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Tuba Z, Maho S, Vizi ES. Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of neuromuscular blocking agents.Curr Med Chem. 2002 Aug;9(16):1507-36.

Hasko G, Deitch EA, Szabo C, Nemeth ZH, Vizi ES. Adenosine: a potential mediator of immunosuppression in multiple organ failure. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2002 Aug;2(4):440-4.

Holland SM, Vizi ES. Immunomodulation. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2002 Aug;2(4):425-7.

Sperlagh B, Kofalvi A, Deuchars J, Atkinson L, Milligan CJ, Buckley NJ, Vizi ES. Involvement of P2X7 receptors in the regulation of neurotransmitter release in the rat hippocampus.J Neurochem. 2002 Jun;81(6):1196-211.

Vizi ES, Elenkov IJ. Nonsynaptic noradrenaline release in neuro-immune responses.Acta Biol Hung. 2002;53(1-2):229-44.

Takagi S, Adachi YU, Saubermann AJ, Vizi ES. Presynaptic inhibitory effects of rocuronium and SZ1677 on [3H]acetylcholine release from the mouse hemidiaphragm preparation. Neurochem Int. 2002 Jun;40(7):655-9.

Vizi ES, Katona I, Freund TF. Evidence for presynaptic cannabinoid CB(1) receptor-mediated inhibition of noradrenaline release in the guinea pig lung.Eur J Pharmacol. 2001 Nov 16;431(2):237-44.

Gaborjan A, Halmos G, Repassy G, Vizi ES. A new aspect of aminoglycoside ototoxicity: impairment of cochlear dopamine release.Neuroreport. 2001 Oct 29;12(15):3327-30.

Vizi ES, Szelenyi J, Selmeczy ZS, Papp Z, Nemeth ZH, Hasko G. Enhanced tumor necrosis factor-alpha-specific and decreased interleukin-10-specific immune responses to LPS during the third trimester of pregnancy in mice. J Endocrinol. 2001 Nov;171(2):355-61.

Vizi ES.Nitric oxide in neurotransmission.Trends Pharmacol Sci 2001 Nov;22(11):595

Vizi ES, Szelenyi J, Selmeczy Z, Papp Z, Nemeth ZH, Nemeth ZH, Hasko G, Hasko G. Enhanced tumor necrosis factor-alpha-specific and decreased interleukin-10-specific immune responses to LPS during the third trimester of pregnancy in mice. J Endocrinol 2001 Nov;171(2):355-61

Kisfalvi I Jr, Racz G, Balint A, Mate M, Olah A, Zelles T, Vizi ES, Varga G. Effects of putative galanin antagonists M35 and C7 on rat exocrine pancreas.J Physiol Paris 2001 Jan;95(1-6):385-9

Balint A, Feher E, Kisfalvi I Jr, Mate M, Zelles T, Vizi ES, Varga G. Functional and immunocytochemical evidence that galanin is a physiological regulator of human jejunal motility.J Physiol Paris 2001 Jan;95(1-6):129-35

Adachi YU, Watanabe K, Satoh T, Vizi ES.Halothane potentiates the effect of methamphetamine and nomifensine on extracellular dopamine levels in rat striatum: a microdialysis study.Br J Anaesth 2001 Jun;86(6):837-45

Gerevich Z, Tretter L, Adam-Vizi V, Baranyi M, Kiss JP, Zelles T, Vizi ES. Analysis of high intracellular [Na+]-induced release of [3H]noradrenaline in rat hippocampal slices.Neuroscience 2001;104(3):761-8

Adachi YU, Watanabe K, Higuchi H, Satoh T, Vizi ES. Oxygen inhalation enhances striatal dopamine metabolism and monoamineoxidase enzyme inhibition prevents it: a microdialysis study.Eur J Pharmacol 2001 Jun 22;422(1-3):61-8

Sumiya Y, Torigoe K, Gerevich Z, Kofalvi A, Vizi ES. Excessive release of [3H] noradrenaline by veratridine and ischemia in spinal cord.Neurochem Int 2001 Jul;39(1):59-63

Szelenyi J, Kiss JP, Puskas E, Szelenyi M, Vizi ES Contribution of differently localized alpha 2- and beta-adrenoceptors in the modulation of TNF-alpha and IL-10 production in endotoxemic mice.Ann N Y Acad Sci 2000;917:145-53

Kiss JP, Vizi ES.Nitric oxide: a novel link between synaptic and nonsynaptic transmission. Trends Neurosci 2001 Apr;24(4):211-5

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