Vizi E. Szilveszter publikációs listája

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Vizi ES, Lendvai B. Modulatory role of presynaptic nicotinic receptors in synaptic and non-synaptic chemical communication in the central nervous system.Brain Res Brain Res Rev 1999 Nov;30(3):219-35

Sato K, Windisch K, Matko I, Vizi ES. Effects of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents on norepinephrine release from human atrial tissue obtained during cardiac surgery. Br J Anaesth 1999 Jun;82(6):904-9

Vizi ES, Sperlagh B. Receptor- and carrier-mediated release of ATP of postsynaptic origin: cascade transmission.Prog Brain Res 1999;120:159-69

Oe K, Sperlagh B, Santha E, Matko I, Nagashima H, Foldes FF, Vizi ES. Modulation of norepinephrine release by ATP-dependent K(+)-channel activators and inhibitors in guinea-pig and human isolated right atrium.33: Cardiovasc Res 1999 Jul;43(1):125-34

Hennings EC, Kiss JP, De Oliveira K, Toth PT, Vizi ES. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonistic activity of monoamine uptake blockers in rat hippocampal slices.: J Neurochem 1999 Sep;73(3):1043-50

Vizi ES, Sperlagh B. Separation of carrier mediated and vesicular release of GABA from rat brain slices.Neurochem Int 1999 May;34(5):407-13

Kiss JP, Hennings EC, Zsilla G, Vizi ES. A possible role of nitric oxide in the regulation of dopamine transporter function in the striatum.Neurochem Int 1999 Apr;34(4):345-50

Katona I, Sperlagh B, Sik A, Kafalvi A, Vizi ES, Mackie K, Freund TF. Presynaptically located CB1 cannabinoid receptors regulate GABA release from axon terminals of specific hippocampal interneurons.J Neurosci 1999 Jun 1;19(11):4544-58

Gaborjan A, Lendvai B, Vizi ES. Neurochemical evidence of dopamine release by lateral olivocochlear efferents and its presynaptic modulation in guinea-pig cochlea. Neuroscience 1999 Apr;90(1):131-8

Juranyi Z, Sperlagh B, Vizi ES. Involvement of P2 purinoceptors and the nitric oxide pathway in [3H]purine outflow evoked by short-term hypoxia and hypoglycemia in rat hippocampal slices.Brain Res 1999 Mar 27;823(1-2):183-90

Kiss JP, Vizi ES, Westerink BH. Effect of neostigmine on the hippocampal noradrenaline release: role of cholinergic receptors.Neuroreport 1999 Jan 18;10(1):81-6

Nakai T, Milusheva E, Baranyi M, Uchihashi Y, Satoh T, Vizi ES. Excessive release of [3H]noradrenaline and glutamate in response to simulation of ischemic conditions in rat spinal cord slice preparation: effect of NMDA and AMPA receptor antagonists.Eur J Pharmacol 1999 Feb 5;366(2-3):143-50

Sperlagh B, Mergl Z, Juranyi Z, Vizi ES, Makara GB. Local regulation of vasopressin and oxytocin secretion by extracellular ATP in the isolated posterior lobe of the rat hypophysis.J Endocrinol 1999 Mar;160(3):343-50

Vizi ES, Kiss JP. Neurochemistry and pharmacology of the major hippocampal transmitter systems: synaptic and nonsynaptic interactions.Hippocampus 1998;8(6):566-607

Toth PT, Vizi ES. Lobeline inhibits Ca2+ current in cultured neurones from rat sympathetic ganglia.Eur J Pharmacol 1998 Dec 11;363(1):75-80

Hasko G, Shanley TP, Egnaczyk G, Nemeth ZH, Salzman AL, Vizi ES, Szabo C. Exogenous and endogenous catecholamines inhibit the production of macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP) 1 alpha via a beta adrenoceptor mediated mechanism.Br J Pharmacol 1998 Nov;125(6):1297-303

Vizi ES. Different temperature dependence of carrier-mediated (cytoplasmic) and stimulus-evoked (exocytotic) release of transmitter: a simple method to separate the two types of release.Neurochem Int 1998 Oct;33(4):359-66

Hasko G, Nemeth ZH, Vizi ES, Salzman AL, Szabo C. An agonist of adenosine A3 receptors decreases interleukin-12 and interferon-gamma production and prevents lethality in endotoxemic mice.Eur J Pharmacol 1998 Oct 9;358(3):261-8

Sperlagh B, Hasko G, Nemeth Z, Vizi ES. ATP released by LPS increases nitric oxide production in raw 264.7 macrophage cell line via P2Z/P2X7 receptors. Neurochem Int 1998 Sep;33(3):209-15

Hasko G, Szabo C, Nemeth ZH, Lendvai B, Vizi ES. Modulation by dantrolene of endotoxin-induced interleukin-10, tumour necrosis factor-alpha and nitric oxide production in vivo and in vitro. Br J Pharmacol 1998 Jul;124(6):1099-106

Sperlagh B, Magloczky Z, Vizi ES, Freund TF. The triangular septal nucleus as the major source of ATP release in the rat habenula: a combined neurochemical and morphological study.Neuroscience 1998 Oct;86(4):1195-207

Szalay KS, Orso E, Juranyi Z, Vinson GP, Vizi ES. Local non-synaptic modulation of aldosterone production by catecholamines and ATP in rat: implications for a direct neuronal fine tuning.Horm Metab Res 1998 Jun-Jul;30(6-7):323-8

Hasko G, Szabo C, Nemeth ZH, Salzman AL, Vizi ES. Stimulation of beta-adrenoceptors inhibits endotoxin-induced IL-12 production in normal and IL-10 deficient mice.J Neuroimmunol 1998 Aug 1;88(1-2):57-61

Nemeth ZH, Hasko G, Vizi ES. Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate augments IL-10, inhibits TNF-alpha, MIP-1alpha, IL-12, and nitric oxide production and protects from the lethal effect of endotoxin.Shock 1998 Jul;10(1):49-53

Vizi ES. Receptor-mediated local fine-tuning by noradrenergic innervation of neuroendocrine and immune systems.Ann N Y Acad Sci 1998 Jun 30;851:388-96

Nemeth ZH, Hasko G, Szabo C, Salzman AL, Vizi ES. Calcium channel blockers and dantrolene differentially regulate the production of interleukin-12 and interferon-gamma in endotoxemic mice.Brain Res Bull 1998 Jun;46(3):257-61

Janossy A, Orso E, Szalay KS, Juranyi Z, Beck M, Vizi ES, Vinson GP. Cholinergic regulation of the rat adrenal zona glomerulosa. J Endocrinol 1998 May;157(2):305-15

Uchihashi Y, Bencsics A, Umeda E, Nakai T, Sato T, Vizi ES. Na+ channel block prevents the ischemia-induced release of norepinephrine from spinal cord slices.Eur J Pharmacol 1998 Apr 10;346(2-3):145-50

Milusheva EA, Kortezova NI, Mizhorkova ZN, Papasova M, Coy DH, Balint A, Vizi ES, Varga G. Role of different bombesin receptor subtypes mediating contractile activity in cat upper gastrointestinal tract.Peptides 1998;19(3):549-56

Hasko G, Szabo C, Nemeth ZH, Salzman AL, Vizi ES. Suppression of IL-12 production by phosphodiesterase inhibition in murine endotoxemia is IL-10 independent. Eur J Immunol 1998 Feb;28(2):468-72

Nemeth ZH, Szabo C, Hasko G, Salzman AL, Vizi ES. Effect of the phosphodiesterase III inhibitor amrinone on cytokine and nitric oxide production in immunostimulated J774.1 macrophages.Eur J Pharmacol 1997 Nov 27;339(2-3):215-21

Sperlagh B, Sershen H, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Co-release of endogenous ATP and [3H]noradrenaline from rat hypothalamic slices: origin and modulation by alpha2-adrenoceptors.Neuroscience 1998 Jan;82(2):511-20

Hasko G, Nemeth ZH, Szabo C, Zsilla G, Salzman AL, Vizi ES. Isoproterenol inhibits Il-10, TNF-alpha, and nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Brain Res Bull 1998;45(2):183-7

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