Kitessékelték az MLS egykori legjobbját, az olasz Eb-ezüstérmest

Campeones Cup 2018: Tigres UANL v Toronto FC GettyImageRank3
TORONTO, ON - SEPTEMBER 19: Sebastian Giovinco #10 of Toronto FC looks on during the first half of the 2018 Campeones Cup Final against Tigres UANL at BMO Field on September 19, 2018 in Toronto, Canada. Vaughn Ridley/Getty Images/AFP
Vágólapra másolva!
Az olasz válogatott, a Juventuszal korábban két bajnoki címet is szerző Sebastian Giovinco Szaúd-Arábiába igazolt.

A hír azért is érdekes, mert Giovinco a Toronto FC és az egész MLS emblematikus figurája lett az elmúlt években. A 32 éves játékos 2015-ben hagyta ott a Juventust, Torontóban pedig egy új brand felépítésében segédkezett.

Giovinco 142 meccsen 83 gólt szerzett az MLS-ben, volt az év újonca, gólkirály és a liga MVP-je (legértékesebb játékosa) is.

Az olasz támadó érdekes üzenettel búcsúzott, miután csapata eladta őt a szaúdi al-Hilalnak.

"Mindig abban reménykedtem, hogy új szerződést kapok Torontóban, és egy olyan városban fejezhetem be a pályafutásomat, melyet az otthonomnak érzek. Két éve vártam, hogy új szerződést kössünk, de a menedzsmentet ez nem izgatta különösebben. A klub nem élt a 2020-ig szóló hosszabbítással, új szerződést kínáltak, de az elfogadhatatlan volt. Lehet, azt mondják majd, a pénz miatt megyek el, de ez nem igaz. Miután sikerült megismertetni a brandet itthon és külföldön is, úgy tűnik, rám már nincs itt szükség. Kevesebbért is maradtam volna Torontóban."

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Toronto has been home to me and my family for almost 5 years. I arrived here from Italy in January 2015 and immediately felt something special. From day one, I worked hard to repay the opportunity that Toronto had given me. From that first year, I realized that we could do great things here. Through hard work, passion and determination my teammates and I transformed TFC and made it one of the best clubs in MLS and in North America. We didn’t do this alone. Without our great fans this would not have been possible. I can confidently say that I significantly contributed in making unprecedented history at TFC. We wrote a new chapter in the club’s history, together. All for One. This journey has been a wonderful experience for my family and me. It’s without hesitation that I can say that I wanted it to end differently. As I have always maintained, I was hoping to renew my contract and finish my playing career in a city that feels like home. It is here where my daughter was born and where my son took his first steps on a football pitch. A place my family loves to live and wanted to call home for good. Unfortunately, this desire of ours has clashed with a change in direction with current TFC management. For the 2 years I have been seeking to extend my contract however management was reluctant. Recently, after refusing to exercise the club option for 2020, I was offered terms that I deemed unacceptable. They may say I left for a more lucrative deal, but this is not the case. Their offer and lack of transparency is a clear message. It seems management prefers to focus on things other than the pure desire to win. After having grown the brand and elevating the overall reputation of TFC both at home and abroad, it seems I no longer serve a purpose. I would have accepted less to stay in Toronto. Therefore, I reluctantly announce that my tenure as a TFC player has come to an end. I will now focus my attention and efforts towards another challenge. With me I bring beautiful memories. Toronto - the 6ix - you are and will always remain in my heart. Thank you for everything you have taught me about myself and about life. I love you Toronto! Seba

Sebastian Giovinco (@sebagiovincoofficial) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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