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Reese Witherspoon és testdublőre
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A sztárok helyett a forgatásokon sűrűn alkalmaznak testdublőrt, nemcsak meztelen jeleneteknél vagy veszélyes mutatványoknál, de például olyan képsoroknál is, ahol a főszereplő csak hátulról vagy messziről látszik. Mivel az arcukat nemigen mutatják, a testdublőröknek elég csak alkatilag hasonlítaniuk az általuk helyettesített sztárra, mégis vannak olyanok, akik egy az egyben úgy néznek ki, mint híresebb kollégájuk – közülük is bemutatunk párat.
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Reese Witherspoon – Marilee Lessley

Reese Witherspoon idén augusztusban lepte meg a rajongóit azzal, hogy mutatott egy videót és egy fotót a testdublőréről, aki jelenleg a Hatalmas kis hazugságok című sorozatban helyettesíti, de a Doktor Szöszi második részétől kezdve öt filmen is dolgoztak már együtt:

Lessley úgy emlékszik, hogy a Ha igaz volna című filmmel kezdődött az együttműködésük, ezen azonban aligha fognak összeveszni, hisz időközben bizalmasok is lettek: Lessley egy két évvel ezelőtti posztban azt írta, bátyja halála és kemény válása idején is figyelt rá a színésznő:

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

@reesewitherspoon and I on set... This was at a very different time in my life. You would have never known that just 1 day prior I was attending my brothers funeral...and that the 2+ weeks prior was spent sleeping in a hospital waiting room waiting for him to wake up from the coma he was in from his motorcycle accident... You would have never known that me and my 3 kids didn't even have a home and were in the middle of a hard divorce, and that we lived in a friends living room, with just the clothes on our backs to our name...there were more hardships I will not mention here, but basically times were hard...and they even got harder after this day. We all have a story. There are many many layers to mine. Reese came to me on this shoot as she learned about all the tragedies and trials that had unfolded in my life that month and she asked how she could help. Even told me I could go home paid...I was prideful, and told her everything was going to be okay. I didn't need a thing. Inside I was scared and felt like giving up. I wanted to shout "yes!! Please help!!! I don't have a place to live!!!" I was grateful for her listening ear and advice...and touched at her caring ❤️heart. I found strength in that moment because that was all there was to find... When your at the bottom the only place to go is up. It takes takes work...patience and a lot of faith that Gods plan is bigger than yours. I found that will inside me and long story short, one step at a time, one prayer at a time, I rose above it. I became a stronger version of myself. If your reading this and times are advice to you is to remember that #1 ⛅️your not alone... #2 you WILL and CAN get through this and ⭐️rise above it! Prayer, faith, and remembering that you are stronger than you think you are. #3 never give up. Ever. No matter how hard it gets. YOU are worth it. I believe in you. OH yeah, and if someone super famous and awesome is trying to throw you a life preserver and help you out, or anyone for that matter...don't be stubborn!!! Accept the blessings and be grateful! Most likely that is God trying to help you through them!

Marilee Lessley (@marileelessley) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Mutatunk még pár képet a hölgyről:

Forrás: Instagram/Marilee Lessley
Forrás: Instagram/Marilee Lessley
Forrás: Instagram/Marilee Lessley

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