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Toth E, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Effects of iminodipropionitrile on cerebral amino acid levels.Brain Res Bull 1997;44(6):715-8

Sperlagh B, Zsilla G, Baranyi M, Kekes-Szabo A, Vizi ES. Age-dependent changes of presynaptic neuromodulation via A1-adenosine receptors in rat hippocampal slices.Int J Dev Neurosci 1997 Oct;15(6):739-47

Vizi ES, Mike A, Tarnawa I. The functional study of kainate receptors--hopes and doubts. Trends Neurosci 1997 Sep;20(9):396-7

Vizi ES, Liang SD, Sperlagh B, Kittel A, Juranyi Z. Studies on the release and extracellular metabolism of endogenous ATP in rat superior cervical ganglion: support for neurotransmitter role of ATP. Neuroscience 1997 Aug;79(3):893-903

Bencsics A, Sershen H, Baranyi M, Hashim A, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Dopamine, as well as norepinephrine, is a link between noradrenergic nerve terminals and splenocytes.

Hennings EC, Kiss JP, Vizi ES. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist effect of fluoxetine in rat hippocampal slices.Brain Res 1997 Jun 13;759(2):292-4

Nemeth ZH, Hasko G, Szabo C, Vizi ES. Amrinone and theophylline differentially regulate cytokine and nitric oxide production in endotoxemic mice. Shock 1997 May;7(5):371-5

Juranyi Z, Orso E, Janossy A, Szalay KS, Sperlagh B, Windisch K, Vinson GP, Vizi ES. ATP and [3H]noradrenaline release and the presence of ecto-Ca(2+)-ATPases in the capsule-glomerulosa fraction of the rat adrenal gland. JEndocrinol 1997 Apr;153(1):105-14

Szabo C, Hasko G, Nemeth ZH, Vizi ES. Calcium entry blockers increase interleukin-10 production in endotoxemia. Shock 1997 Apr;7(4):304-7

Toth IE, Vizi ES, Hinson JP, Vinson GP. Innervation of the adrenal cortex, its physiological relevance, with primary focus on the noradrenergic transmission.Microsc Res Tech 1997 Mar 15;36(6):534-45

Bencsics A, Elenkov IJ, Vizi ES. Effect of morphine on lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha production in vivo: involvement of the sympathetic nervous system.J Neuroimmunol 1997 Mar;73(1-2):1-6

Sershen H, Balla A, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Characterization of nicotinic receptors involved in the release of noradrenaline from the hippocampus.Neuroscience 1997 Mar;77(1):121-30

Liang SD, Vizi ES. Positive feedback modulation of acetylcholine release from isolated rat superior cervical ganglion.J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1997 Feb;280(2):650-5

Vizi ES, Lendvai B. Side effects of nondepolarizing muscle relaxants: relationship to their antinicotinic and antimuscarinic actions.Pharmacol Ther 1997;73(2):75-89

Szabo C, Hasko G, Zingarelli B, Nemeth ZH, Salzman AL, Kvetan V, Pastores SM, Vizi ES. Isoproterenol regulates tumour necrosis factor, interleukin-10, interleukin-6 and nitric oxide production and protects against the development of vascular hyporeactivity in endotoxaemia.Immunology 1997 Jan;90(1):95-100

Umeda E, Satoh T, Nagashima H, Potter PE, Tarkovacs G, Vizi ES. alpha 2A subtype of presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors modulates the release of [3H]-noradrenaline from rat spinal cord.Brain Res Bull 1997;42(2):129-32

Hasko G, Szabo C, Nemeth ZH, Kvetan V, Pastores SM, Vizi ES. Adenosine receptor agonists differentially regulate IL-10, TNF-alpha, and nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 macrophages and in endotoxemic mice.J Immunol 1996 Nov 15;157(10):4634-40

Mike A, Dyatlov VA, Vizi ES. Non-NMDA receptor-mediated modulation of voltage-activated outward currents in chick neurones.Neuroreport 1996 Nov 4;7(15-17):2613-7

Cunha RA, Vizi ES, Ribeiro JA, Sebastiao AM. Preferential release of ATP and its extracellular catabolism as a source of adenosine upon high- but not low-frequency stimulation of rat hippocampal slices.J Neurochem 1996 Nov;67(5):2180-7

Kiss JP, Sershen H, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Inhibition of neuronal nitric oxide synthase potentiates the dimethylphenylpiperazinium-evoked carrier-mediated release of noradrenaline from rat hippocampal slices.Neurosci Lett 1996 Sep 6;215(2):115-8

Kortezova N, Mizhorkova Z, Milusheva E, Varga G, Vizi ES, Papasova M. Non-adrenergic non-cholinergic neuron stimulation in the cat lower esophageal sphincter.Eur J Pharmacol 1996 May 23;304(1-3):109-15

Milusheva EA, Doda M, Baranyi M, Vizi ES. Effect of hypoxia and glucose deprivation on ATP level, adenylate energy charge and [Ca2+]o-dependent and independent release of [3H]dopamine in rat striatal slices.Neurochem Int 1996 May-Jun;28(5-6):501-7

Pastores SM, Hasko G, Vizi ES, Kvetan V. Cytokine production and its manipulation by vasoactive drugs.New Horiz 1996 May;4(2):252-64

Kovacs KJ, Foldes A, Vizi ES. C-kit ligand (Stem Cell Factor) affects neuronal activity, stimulates pituitary-adrenal axis and prolactin secretion in rats.J Neuroimmunol 1996 Apr;65(2):133-41

Hasko G, Szabo C, Merkel K, Bencsics A, Zingarelli B, Kvetan V, Vizi ES. Modulation of lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha and nitric oxide production by dopamine receptor agonists and antagonists in mice.Immunol Lett 1996 Mar;49(3):143-7

Mike A, Dyatlov V, Vizi ES. Kainate-induced inhibition of voltage-activated potassium currents in cultured chick telencephalic neurons.Acta Physiol Hung 1996;84(3):311-2

Lendvai B, Mike A, Zelles T, Vizi ES. Intracellular Ca2+ imaging of cultured chicken telencephalic cells: characterization of ionotropic glutamate receptor activation.Acta Physiol Hung 1996;84(3):305-7

Lendvai B, Sershen H, Lajtha A, Santha E, Baranyi M, Vizi ES. Differential mechanisms involved in the effect of nicotinic agonists DMPP and lobeline to release [3H]5-HT from rat hippocampal slices.Neuropharmacology 1996;35(12):1769-77

Mally J, Baranyi M, Vizi ES. Change in the concentrations of amino acids in CSF and serum of patients with essential tremor. J Neural Transm Gen Sect 1996;103(5):555-60

Bencsics A, Elenkov IJ, Vizi ES. alpha 2-, alpha 2A-, alpha 2B/2C-Adrenoceptor subtype antagonists prevent lipopolysaccharide-induced fever response in rabbits. Brain Res 1995 Dec 24;705(1-2):302-6

Makara GB, Kiem DT, Vizi ES. Hypothalamic alpha 2A-adrenoceptors stimulate growth hormone release in the rat.Eur J Pharmacol 1995 Dec 4;287(1):43-8

Nakatsuka H, Nagano O, Foldes FF, Nagashima H, Vizi ES. Effects of adenosine on norepinephrine and acetylcholine release from guinea pig right atrium: role of A1-receptors.Neurochem Int 1995 Oct-Nov;27(4-5):345-53

Zelles T, Chernaeva L, Baranyi M, Deri Z, Adam-Vizi V, Vizi ES. Transmitter release by non-receptor activation of the alpha-subunit of guanine nucleotide regulatory protein in rat striatal slices.J Neurosci Res 1995 Oct 1;42(2):242-51

Vizi ES, Orso E, Osipenko ON, Hasko G, Elenkov IJ. Neurochemical, electrophysiological and immunocytochemical evidence for a noradrenergic link between the sympathetic nervous system and thymocytes. Neuroscience 1995 Oct;68(4):1263-76

Elenkov IJ, Hasko G, Kovacs KJ, Vizi ES. Modulation of lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha production by selective alpha- and beta-adrenergic drugs in mice.J Neuroimmunol 1995 Sep;61(2):123-31

Hasko G, Elenkov IJ, Vizi ES. Presynaptic receptors involved in the modulation of release of noradrenaline from the sympathetic nerve terminals of the rat thymus.Immunol Lett 1995 Jul-Aug;47(1-2):133-7

Nitahara K, Kittel A, Liang SD, Vizi ES. A1-receptor-mediated effect of adenosine on the release of acetylcholine from the myenteric plexus: role and localization of ecto-ATPase and 5'-nucleotidase.Neuroscience 1995 Jul;67(1):159-68

Sperlagh B, Kittel A, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. ATP acts as fast neurotransmitter in rat habenula: neurochemical and enzymecytochemical evidence.Neuroscience 1995 Jun;66(4):915-20

Vizi ES, Sershen H, Balla A, Mike A, Windisch K, Juranyi Z, Lajtha A. Neurochemical evidence of heterogeneity of presynaptic and somatodendritic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 10;757:84-99

Sershen H, Toth E, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Nicotine effects on presynaptic receptor interactions.Ann N Y Acad Sci 1995 May 10;757:238-44

Chaudhry IA, Nitahara K, Nagashima H, Vizi ES. Neurochemical evidence that [Ca2+]o antagonizes the effect of neomycin on acetylcholine release from mouse hemidiaphragm preparation: an attempt to assess the margin to safety.Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1995 May;39(4):494-7

Benuck M, Banay-Schwartz M, DeGuzman T, Vizi ES, Kekes-Szabo A, Lajtha A. Effect of diet on tissue protease activity. J Neurosci Res 1995 Apr 1;40(5):675-9

Kiss JP, Zsilla G, Mike A, Zelles T, Toth E, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Subtype-specificity of the presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors modulating hippocampal norepinephrine release in rat.Brain Res 1995 Mar 20;674(2):238-44

Hasko G, Elenkov IJ, Kvetan V, Vizi ES. Differential effect of selective block of alpha 2-adrenoreceptors on plasma levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-6 and corticosterone induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide in mice. J Endocrinol 1995 Mar;144(3):457-62

Varnai P, Osipenko ON, Vizi ES, Spat A. Activation of calcium current in voltage-clamped rat glomerulosa cells by potassium ions.: J Physiol 1995 Feb 15;483 ( Pt 1):67-78

Kortezova N, Velkova V, Mizhorkova Z, Bredy-Dobreva G, Vizi ES, Papasova M. Participation of nitric oxide in the nicotine-induced relaxation of the cat lower esophageal sphincter. J Auton Nerv Syst 1994 Dec 1;50(1):73-8

Cunha RA, Milusheva E, Vizi ES, Ribeiro JA, Sebastiao AM. Excitatory and inhibitory effects of A1 and A2A adenosine receptor activation on the electrically evoked [3H]acetylcholine release from different areas of the rat hippocampus. J Neurochem 1994 Jul;63(1):207-14

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