Vizi E. Szilveszter publikációs listája

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Harsing LG Jr, Vizi ES. Evidence that two stereochemically different alpha-2 adrenoceptors modulate norepinephrine release in rat cerebral cortex. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1991 Jan;256(1):44-9

Todorov L, Windisch K, Shersen H, Lajtha A, Papasova M, Vizi ES. Prejunctional nicotinic receptors involved in facilitation of stimulation-evoked noradrenaline release from the vas deferens of the guinea-pig.Br J Pharmacol 1991 Jan;102(1):186-90

Adam-Vizi V, Deri Z, Vizi ES, Sershen H, Lajtha A. Ca2+o-independent veratridine-evoked acetylcholine release from striatal slices is not inhibited by vesamicol (AH5183): mobilization of distinct transmitter pools.J Neurochem 1991 Jan;56(1):52-8

Vizi ES, Labos E. Non-synaptic interactions at presynaptic level. Prog Neurobiol 1991;37(2):145-63

Medve L, Vizi ES, Mandl J, Kamocsay I, Karatson D. [Ethical codes of animal experiments.] Orv Hetil 1990 Dec 16;131(50):2789-90

Torocsik A, Vizi ES. 4-Aminopyridine interrupts the modulation of acetylcholine release mediated by muscarinic and opiate receptors. J Neurosci Res 1990 Oct;27(2):228-32

Blandizzi C, Bernardini MC, Vizi ES, Del Tacca M. Modulation of gastric acid secretion by peripheral presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors at both sympathetic and parasympathetic pathways.J Auton Pharmacol 1990 Oct;10(5):305-12

Vizi ES, Zseli J, Kontor E, Feher E, Verebelyi T. Characteristics of cholinergic neuroeffector transmission of ganglionic and aganglionic colon in Hirschsprung's disease.Gut 1990 Sep;31(9):1046-50

Varga G, Papp M, Vizi ES. Cholinergic and adrenergic control of enzyme secretion in isolated rat pancreas.Dig Dis Sci 1990 Apr;35(4):501-7

Zelles T, Harsing LG, Vizi ES. Characterization of neuronal cholecystokinin receptor by L-364,718 in Auerbach's plexus. Eur J Pharmacol 1990 Mar 13;178(1):101-4

Milusheva E, Sperlagh B, Kiss B, Szporny L, Pasztor E, Papasova M, Vizi ES. Inhibitory effect of hypoxic condition on acetylcholine release is partly due to the effect of adenosine released from the tissue.Brain Res Bull 1990 Mar;24(3):369-73

Seregi A, Folly G, Heldt R, Vizi ES, Hertting G. Differential prostaglandin formation induced by convulsions in the brain of mice susceptible (DBA/2J) and resistant (CFLP) to acoustic stimulation.Epilepsy Res 1990 Mar;5(2):131-6

Torocsik A, Vizi ES. Different sensitivity of cholinergic and dopaminergic neurons to sulpiride.Acta Physiol Hung 1990;75 Suppl:283-4

Kadlec O, Seferna I, Sevcik J, Somogyi GT, Vizi ES. The topographical basis of cholinergic transmission in guinea-pig ileum myenteric plexus.Neuroscience 1990;36(3):793-802

Vizi ES. Synaptic and nonsynaptic cross talk between neurons. Role of presynaptic alpha 2-receptors in mental disorders. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1990;604:344-52

Vizi ES, Kapocsi J, Harsing GL Jr, Del Tacca M. Heterogeneity of presynaptic alpha-2-adrenoceptors.Acta Physiol Hung 1990;75 Suppl:297-8

Elenkov I, Vizi ES. Negative feedback modulation of noradrenaline release from the spleen.Acta Physiol Hung 1990;75 Suppl:89-90

Tarkovacs G, Rakovska A, Romics L, Vizi ES. Presynaptic effect of dexmedetomidine on cholinergic chemical transmission. Acta Physiol Hung 1990;75 Suppl:275-6

Vizi ES. In favour of the vesicular hypothesis: neurochemical evidence that vesamicol (AH5183) inhibits stimulation-evoked release of acetylcholine from neuromuscular junction.Br J Pharmacol 1989 Nov;98(3):898-902

de Barry J, Gombos G, Vizi ES. Release of [3H]L-glutamate and [3H]L-glutamine in rat cerebellum slices: a comparison of the effect of veratridine and electrical stimulation.Neurochem Res 1989 Nov;14(11):1053-60

Harsing LG Jr, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. A high performance liquid chromatography/electrochemical assay for glutamatergic neurotransmitters in the rat brain.Biomed Chromatogr 1989 Jul;3(4):183-5

Kinjo M, Nagashima H, Vizi ES. Effect of atracurium and laudanosine on the release of 3H-noradrenaline.Br J Anaesth 1989 Jun;62(6):683-90

Vizi ES, Somogyi GT. Prejunctional modulation of acetylcholine release from the skeletal neuromuscular junction: link between positive (nicotinic)- and negative (muscarinic)-feedback modulation. Br J Pharmacol 1989 May;97(1):65-70

Torocsik A, Chaudhry IA, Biro K, Nagashima H, Kinjo M, Duncalf D, Nagashima R, Foldes FF, Goldiner PL, Vizi ES. In vitro comparison of the neuromuscular antinicotinic and intestinal antimuscarinic effects of different nondepolarizing muscle relaxants.Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1989 May-Jun;299:247-53

Harsing LG Jr, Kapocsi J, Vizi ES. Possible role of alpha-2 and alpha-1 adrenoceptors in the experimentally-induced depression of the central nervous system.Pharmacol Biochem Behav 1989 Apr;32(4):927-32

Lonart G, Harsing LG Jr, Folly G, Vizi ES. Failure of selective antagonists (CH-38083 and idazoxan) to distinguish between prejunctional and postjunctional alpha 2-adrenoreceptors. J Auton Pharmacol 1989 Apr;9(2):149-58

Doda M, Vizi ES. Effect of CH-38083, a selective antagonist of alpha 2-adrenoceptors, on renal sympathetic function. Neuropharmacology 1989 Feb;28(2):135-40

Vizi ES, Kobayashi O, Torocsik A, Kinjo M, Nagashima H, Manabe N, Goldiner PL, Potter PE, Foldes FF. Heterogeneity of presynaptic muscarinic receptors involved in modulation of transmitter release. Neuroscience 1989;31(1):259-67

Foldes FF, Kobayashi O, Kinjo M, Harsing LG Jr, Nagashima H, Duncalf D, Goldiner PL, Vizi ES. Presynaptic effect of muscle relaxants on the release of 3H-norepinephrine controlled by endogenous acetylcholine in guinea pig atrium. J Neural Transm 1989;76(3):169-80

Vizi ES, Burnstock G. Origin of ATP release in the rat vas deferens: concomitant measurement of [3H]noradrenaline and [14C]ATP.Eur J Pharmacol 1988 Dec 6;158(1-2):69-77

Oberfrank F, Vizi ES, Lichtstein D. Presynaptic modulation by endogenous ouabain-like substances of noradrenaline release from blood vessels. Pol J Pharmacol Pharm 1988 Nov-Dec;40(6):685-90

Torocsik A, Kinjo M, Nagashima R, Biro K, Nagashima H, Vizi ES. Heterogeneity of presynaptic muscarinic receptors located on different tissue preparations. Pol J Pharmacol Pharm 1988 Nov-Dec;40(6):643-52

Zimanyi I, Lajtha A, Vizi ES, Wang E, Reith ME. Evidence that there is no direct correlation between alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonism and inhibition of voltage-dependent sodium channels.Neuropharmacology 1988 Nov;27(11):1205-8

Somogyi GT, Vizi ES. Evidence that cholinergic axon terminals are equipped with both muscarinic and adenosine receptors. Brain Res Bull 1988 Oct;21(4):575-9

Foldes FF, Ludvig N, Nagashima H, Vizi ES. The influence of aminopyridines on Ca2+-dependent evoked release of acetylcholine from rat cortex slices.Neurochem Res 1988 Aug;13(8):761-4

Lonart G, Gyorgy L, Doda M, Vizi ES. Evidence that dopaminergic innervation is not involved in the vasodilatation of cat superior mesenteric arterial bed: the role of beta-adrenoceptors and circulating catecholamines.Circ Res 1988 Jun;62(6):1134-7

Zimanyi I, Folly G, Vizi ES. Inhibition of K+ permeability diminishes alpha 2-adrenoceptor mediated effects on norepinephrine release.J Neurosci Res 1988 May;20(1):102-8

Zimanyi I, Lajtha A, Vizi ES, Reith ME. Interaction of yohimbine with batrachotoxinin binding to mouse brain sodium channels. Biochem Pharmacol 1988 Feb 15;37(4):641-5

Bernath S, Vizi ES. Inhibitory effect of ionized free intracellular calcium enhanced by ruthenium red and m-chloro-carbonylcyanide phenyl hydrazon on the evoked release of cetylcholine.Biochem Pharmacol 1987 Nov 1;36(21):3683-7

Vizi ES, Oberfrank F, Bernath S, Lichtstein D. Noradrenaline releasing effect of an ouabain-like compound on pulmonary artery.Neuropharmacology 1987 Oct;26(10):1541-4

Dolezal V, Somogyi GT, Bernath S, Tucek S, Vizi ES. Effect of lanthanum on the release of acetylcholine from the myenteric plexus and on its activation by ouabain and electrical stimulation.J Neurochem 1987 Aug;49(2):503-6

Vizi ES, Toth I, Somogyi GT, Szabo L, Harsing LG Jr, Szantay C. Berbanes: a new class of selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists.J Med Chem 1987 Aug;30(8):1355-9

Somogyi GT, Vizi ES, Chaudhry IA, Nagashima H, Duncalf D, Foldes FF, Goldiner PL. Modulation of stimulation-evoked release of newly formed acetylcholine from mouse hemidiaphragm preparation. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1987 Jul;336(1):11-5

Sugimori T, Nagashima H, Vizi ES, Harsing LG Jr, Chaudhry I, Lalezari I, Duncalf D, Goldiner PL, Foldes FF. Effect of mono- and diaminopyridines on release of [3H]norepinephrine from isolated guinea-pig atrium. Neuropharmacology 1987 Jun;26(6):621-6

Kapocsi J, Zimanyi I, Farsang C, Vizi ES. Presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors exclusively sensitive to agonists of phenylethylamine structure on the sympathetic nerves of the human gall bladder artery. Neurosci Res 1987 Jun;4(5):413-8

Kapocsi J, Somogyi GT, Ludvig N, Serfozo P, Harsing LG Jr, Woods RJ, Vizi ES. Neurochemical evidence for two types of presynaptic alpha 2-adrenoceptors. Neurochem Res 1987 Feb;12(2):141-7

Vizi ES, Somogyi GT, Nagashima H, Duncalf D, Chaudhry IA, Kobayashi O, Goldiner PL, Foldes FF. Tubocurarine and pancuronium inhibit evoked release of acetylcholine from the mouse hemidiaphragm preparation. Br J Anaesth 1987 Feb;59(2):226-31

Toth IE, Gaal G, Varga G, Papp M, Vizi ES. Different types of nerve profile in the wall of the canine hepatic artery: an electron microscopic study.Acta Morphol Hung 1987;35(1-2):9-17

Kapocsi J, Farsang C, Vizi ES. Prazosin partly blocks clonidine-induced hypotension in patients with essential hypertension. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1987;32(4):331-4

Kobayashi O, Nagashima H, Duncalf D, Chaudhry IA, Harsing LG Jr, Foldes FF, Goldiner PL, Vizi ES. Direct evidence that pancuronium and gallamine enhance the release of norepinephrine from the atrial sympathetic nerve by inhibiting prejunctional muscarinic receptors. J Auton Nerv Syst 1987 Jan;18(1):55-60

Serfozo P, Bartfai T, Vizi ES. Presynaptic effects of neuropeptide Y on [3H]noradrenaline and [3H]acetylcholine release.Regul Pept 1986 Dec 22;16(2):117-23

Bartfai T, Vizi ES. Prevention by nimodipine, a calcium entry blocker, of the effect of alpha 2-adrenoceptor blocking agents on noradrenaline release: differential effects of nimodipine, on [3H]noradrenaline and [14C]acetylcholine release measured concomitantly from the guinea-pig ileum. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther 1986 Dec;284(2):212-24

Gaal G, Potter PE, Hanin I, Kakucska I, Vizi ES. Effects of intracerebroventricular AF64A administration on cholinergic, serotoninergic and catecholaminergic circuitry in rat dorsal hippocampus.Neuroscience 1986 Dec;19(4):1197-205

Harsing LG Jr, Nagashima H, Vizi ES, Duncalf D. Electrochemical determination of histamine derivatized with o-phthalaldehyde and 2-mercaptoethanol. J Chromatogr 1986 Nov 28;383(1):19-26

Harsing LG Jr, Nagashima H, Duncalf D, Vizi ES, Goldiner PL. Determination of histamine concentrations in plasma by liquid chromatography/electrochemistry. Clin Chem 1986 Oct;32(10):1823-7

Vizi ES. Compounds acting on alpha 1- and alpha 2- adrenoceptors: agonists and antagonists.Med Res Rev 1986 Oct-Dec;6(4):431-49

Varga G, Kiss JZ, Papp M, Vizi ES. Vasoactive intestinal peptide may participate in the vasodilation of the dog hepatic artery.Am J Physiol 1986 Aug;251(2 Pt 1):G280-4

Vizi ES, Harsing LG Jr, Gaal J, Kapocsi J, Bernath S, Somogyi GT. CH-38083, a selective, potent antagonist of alpha-2 adrenoceptors.J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1986 Aug;238(2):701-6

Kadlec O, Somogyi GT, Seferna I, Masek K, Vizi ES. Interactions between the duration of stimulation and noradrenaline on cholinergic transmission in the myenteric plexus-smooth muscle preparation.Brain Res Bull 1986 Feb;16(2):171-8

Vizi ES, Bernath S, Kapocsi J, Serfozo P. Transmitter release from the cytoplasm is of physiological importance but not subject to presynaptic modulation. J Physiol (Paris) 1986;81(4):283-8

Vizi ES, Somogyi GT, Harsing LG Jr, Zimanyi I. Release of [3H]noradrenaline by alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonists.Neurochem Res 1986 Jan;11(1):71-84

Ludvig N, Gyorgy L, Vizi ES. Evidence that serotonin receptors are involved in the anticonvulsant effect of yohimbine in mice. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 1986;88(1):82-5

Vizi ES, Harsing LG Jr, Zimanvi I, Gaal G. Release and turnover of noradrenaline in isolated median eminence: lack of negative feedback modulation. Neuroscience 1985 Dec;16(4):907-16

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