Vizi E. Szilveszter publikációs listája

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Matko I, Feher E, Vizi ES. Receptor mediated presynaptic modulation of the release of noradrenaline in human papillary muscle.Cardiovasc Res 1994 May;28(5):700-4

Zsilla G, Zelles T, Mike A, Kekes-Szabo A, Milusheva E, Vizi ES. Differential changes in presynaptic modulation of transmitter release during aging.Int J Dev Neurosci 1994 Apr;12(2):107-15

Kiss JP, Toth E, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. NMDA receptors are not involved in the MK-801-induced increase of striatal dopamine release in rat: a microdialysis study.Brain Res 1994 Mar 28;641(1):145-8

Osipenko O, Mike A, Gyevai A, Vizi ES. Evidence that GYKI 52466, a novel non-NMDA antagonist enhances the decay of kainate-induced current in cultured chicken cortical neurons.Brain Res Dev Brain Res 1994 Feb 18;77(2):257-63

Milusheva E, Baranyi M, Zelles T, Mike A, Vizi ES. Release of acetylcholine and noradrenaline from the cholinergic and adrenergic afferents in rat hippocampal CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus regions.Eur J Neurosci 1994 Feb 1;6(2):187-92

Tarkovacs G, Blandizzi C, Vizi ES. Functional evidence that alpha 2A-adrenoceptors are responsible for antilipolysis in human abdominal fat cells. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1994 Jan;349(1):34-41

Osipenko ON, Varnai P, Mike A, Spat A, Vizi ES. Dopamine blocks T-type calcium channels in cultured rat adrenal glomerulosa cells.Endocrinology 1994 Jan;134(1):511-4

Kortezova N, Mizhorkova Z, Milusheva E, Coy DH, Vizi ES, Varga G. GRP-preferring bombesin receptor subtype mediates contractile activity in cat terminal ileum.Peptides 1994;15(7):1331-3

Bernath S, Zigmond MJ, Nisenbaum ES, Vizi ES, Berger TW. Na+ influx through Ca2+ channels can promote striatal GABA efflux in Ca(2+)-deficient conditions in response to electrical field depolarization.Brain Res 1993 Dec 31;632(1-2):232-8

Blandizzi C, Tarkovacs G, Natale G, Del Tacca M, Vizi ES. Functional evidence that [3H]acetylcholine and [3H]noradrenaline release from guinea pig ileal myenteric plexus and noradrenergic terminals is modulated by different presynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptor subtypes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1993 Dec;267(3):1054-60

Vizi ES, Toth IE, Orso E, Szalay KS, Szabo D, Baranyi M, Vinson GP. Dopamine is taken up from the circulation by, and released from, local noradrenergic varicose axon terminals in zona glomerulosa of the rat: a neurochemical and immunocytochemical study. J Endocrinol 1993 Nov;139(2):213-26

Toth E, Vizi ES, Lajtha A. Effect of nicotine on levels of extracellular amino acids in regions of the rat brain in vivo.Neuropharmacology 1993 Aug;32(8):827-32

Torocsik A, Rakovska A, Gorcs T, Vizi ES. Effect of neurotensin and immunneutralization with anti-neurotensin-serum on dopaminergic-cholinergic interaction in the striatum.Brain Res 1993 May 28;612(1-2):306-12

Vizi ES, Toth IE, Szalay KS, Windisch K, Orso E, Szabo D, Vinson GP. Catecholamines released from local adrenergic axon terminals are possibly involved in fine tuning of steroid secretion from zona glomerulosa cells: functional and morphological evidence. J Endocrinol 1992 Dec;135(3):551-61

Elenkov IJ, Kovacs K, Duda E, Stark E, Vizi ES. Presynaptic inhibitory effect of TNF-alpha on the release of noradrenaline in isolated median eminence.J Neuroimmunol 1992 Nov;41(1):117-20

Sperlagh B, Vizi ES. Is the neuronal ATP release from guinea-pig vas deferens subject to alpha 2-adrenoceptor-mediated modulation?Neuroscience 1992 Nov;51(1):203-9

Vizi ES. [Drug research in man: a new challenge in bioethics.] Orv Hetil 1992 Sep 20;133(38):2439-43

Milusheva E, Doda M, Pasztor E, Lajtha A, Sershen H, Vizi ES. Regulatory interactions among axon terminals affecting the release of different transmitters from rat striatal slices under hypoxic and hypoglycemic conditions. J Neurochem 1992 Sep;59(3):946-52

Vizi ES, Sperlagh B, Baranyi M. Evidence that ATP released from the postsynaptic site by noradrenaline, is involved in mechanical responses of guinea-pig vas deferens: cascade transmission.Neuroscience 1992 Sep;50(2):455-65

Sandor NT, Lendvai B, Vizi ES. Effect of selective opiate antagonists on striatal acetylcholine and dopamine release.Brain Res Bull 1992 Sep-Oct;29(3-4):369-73

Nagano O, Foldes FF, Nakatsuka H, Reich D, Ohta Y, Sperlagh B, Vizi ES. Presynaptic A1-purinoceptor-mediated inhibitory effects of adenosine and its stable analogues on the mouse hemidiaphragm preparation. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1992 Aug;346(2):197-202

Elenkov IJ, Kovacs K, Kiss J, Bertok L, Vizi ES. Lipopolysaccharide is able to bypass corticotrophin-releasing factor in affecting plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels: evidence from rats with lesions of the paraventricular nucleus. J Endocrinol 1992 May;133(2):231-6

Harsing LG, Vizi ES. Different sites of action for alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonists in the modulation of noradrenaline release and contraction response in the vas deferens of the rat.J Pharm Pharmacol 1992 Mar;44(3):231-4

Toth E, Sershen H, Hashim A, Vizi ES, Lajtha A. Effect of nicotine on extracellular levels of neurotransmitters assessed by microdialysis in various brain regions: role of glutamic acid. Neurochem Res 1992 Mar;17(3):265-71

Vizi ES, Oberfrank F. Na+/K(+)-ATPase, its endogenous ligands and neurotransmitter release.Neurochem Int 1992 Jan;20(1):11-7

Sandor NT, Zelles T, Kiss J, Sershen H, Torocsik A, Lajtha A, Vizi ES. Effect of nicotine on dopaminergic-cholinergic interaction in the striatum.Brain Res 1991 Dec 20;567(2):313-6

Blandizzi C, Doda M, Tarkovacs G, Del Tacca M, Vizi ES. Functional evidence that acetylcholine release from Auerbach's plexus of guinea-pig ileum is modulated by alpha 2A-adrenoceptor subtype.Eur J Pharmacol 1991 Dec 3;205(3):311-3

Elenkov IJ, Vizi ES. Presynaptic modulation of release of noradrenaline from the sympathetic nerve terminals in the rat spleen. Neuropharmacology 1991 Dec;30(12A):1319-24

Torocsik A, Oberfrank F, Sershen H, Lajtha A, Nemesy K, Vizi ES. Characterization of somatodendritic neuronal nicotinic receptors located on the myenteric plexus. Eur J Pharmacol 1991 Sep 24;202(3):297-302

Somogyi GT, Keast JR, Vizi ES. Presynaptic modulation of the release of noradrenaline from electrically stimulated bicuspid valve leaflet of the rabbit heart.J Auton Nerv Syst 1991 Aug;35(2):99-106

Sandor NT, Kiss J, Sandor A, Lendvai B, Vizi ES. Naloxone enhances the release of acetylcholine from cholinergic interneurons of the striatum if the dopaminergic input is impaired.Brain Res 1991 Jun 28;552(2):343-5

Sperlagh B, Vizi ES. Effect of presynaptic P2 receptor stimulation on transmitter release.J Neurochem 1991 May;56(5):1466-70

Oberfrank F, Vizi ES, Baker PF, Samuelov S, Lichtstein D. Comparison of the effects of a bufodienolide and ouabain on neuronal and smooth muscle preparations.Neurosci Res 1991 May;10(4):235-44

Vizi ES. Evidence that catecholamines increase acetylcholine release from neuromuscular junction through stimulation of alpha-1 adrenoceptors. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol 1991 May;343(5):435-8

Harsing LG Jr, Vizi ES. Alpha 2-adrenoceptors are not involved in the regulation of striatal glutamate release: comparison to dopaminergic inhibition. J Neurosci Res 1991 Mar;28(3):376-81

Torocsik A, Vizi ES. Presynaptic effects of methoctramine on release of acetylcholine.Neuropharmacology 1991 Mar;30(3):293-8

Manabe N, Foldes FF, Torocsik A, Nagashima H, Goldiner PL, Vizi ES. Presynaptic interaction between vagal and sympathetic innervation in the heart: modulation of acetylcholine and noradrenaline release.J Auton Nerv Syst 1991 Mar;32(3):233-42

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