Vízalatti tojáskeresés, ételszentelés és húsvéti mise 2480 méter magasan

húsvétvasárnap a világban  2022
This photo released by the Florida Keys New Bureau shows Spencer Slate, costumed as a scuba-diving Easter bunny, distributing eggs to divers during an underwater Easter egg hunt in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, April 17, 2022, off Islamorada, Florida. - Slate donates a portion of the proceeds from the event to assist a charity that benefits local kids in need. Real hard-boiled eggs were used to avoid adverse impacts to the marine environment. (Photo by Frazier Nivens / Florida Keys News Bureau / AFP) / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / FLORIDA KEYS NEWS BUREAU / FRAZIER NIVENS " - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
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