Közel 140 kilót fogyott, most felesleges bőrével küzd a fiatal nő

fogyás, súlyfelesleg, Lexi Reed
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A most 28 éves Lexi Reed 220 kg volt, amikor elhatározta, hogy ez így nem mehet tovább, sürgősen változtatnia kell az életmódján, különben meghal. A fiatal lánynak sikerült a lehetetlen: két év alatt leadott 136 kg-t. Most megereszkedett bőrével küzd, ami miatt több mint 3 kilónyi plusz súlyt cipel magán. 
Vágólapra másolva!

Lexi Reed hihetetlen átalakulását egymilliós rajongótábora követhette nyomon szinte mindennap. A fiatal nő nem titkolta, honnan hová sikerült eljutnia, hiszen ezzel is inspirálni szeretné azokat, akik jobb híján beletörődtek súlyfeleslegükbe, és úgy érzik, minden erőfeszítésük a fogyás felé hiábavaló – írta meg történetét a People.

Lexi 2016 januárjában döntött úgy, hogy szakít a gyorséttermi kajákkal, és teljes életmódváltásba kezd. 220 kg-ról sikerült lefogynia, ám az ilyen drasztikus változáshoz bőre képtelen volt alkalmazkodni.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

As hard as it is for me to post photos of myself like this on the internet knowing how many are watching, I know that it will be gone in just a few days and I dont want to hide the reality of massive weight loss. I never want to not be real with you guys. I'm here to be real, not to be perfect. Danny told me to post this because he knows how much it will help someone. The reality is girls wear bikini thongs in public and nobody bats an eye and we all have skin. I HAVE LOOSE SKIN ALL OVER MY BODY. I was almost 485lbs and it's just something that reminds me of who I once was. This is my reality. I love having curves and not having a small butt, but I cannot live in pain. HALLOWEEN IS GETTING SO CLOSE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whos ready to hustle for the holidays!? NEXT DIETBET STARTS 11/9!! Theres almost less than 2 months left to finish this year fighting for your health! Why not bet on yourself with our tribe? Next dietbet starts 11/9! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including @fedupfam, an airfryer, & MORE! Plus get paid to get lean in 2018! Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fedupfam #fit #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #sweat #fattofit #obesetobeast #zumba #dance #diet #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #losingweight #fitnessmotivation #fedup #fitfam #lanebryant #plussize #looseskin #excessskin #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss

Lexiiiiiii. ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Hogy a 28 éves nő végre teljes értékű életet élhessen, elhatározta, kés alá fekszik, és végleg megszabadul több mint 3 kilónyi felesleges bőrétől. A műtét sikerült, bár Lexi még lábadozik, a végeredmény mindenért kárpótolni fogja.

A bejegyzés megtekintése az Instagramon

Drain life. I'm not going to tell you I've felt great because to be honest I've been in pain the last few days more than in my entire life. The surgery I had was a major surgery and I am so swollen plus so sore over my entire body that I cant pull myself out of bed without being lifted by @discoveringdanny. I spent the last few days sleeping but I am determined to show my body the care it deserves and heal at my own pace. I am slowly able to use the bathroom on my own and getting better at walking daily. I am getting over my fear of needles and accepting the shots. I still cant laugh or cough due to the pain in my abdomen from where it was repaired. If I do it hurts so bad that I start sobbing. However I know that I had to go through this pain to get to the other side. I know I have to be strong because there are too many counting on me for me to be weak. One day all of these struggles will be worth it. Thank you for all your support and dealing with me while I heal! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whos ready to hustle for the holidays!? NEXT DIETBET STARTS 11/19!! Theres almost less than 2 months left to finish this year fighting for your health! Why not bet on yourself with our tribe? Next dietbet starts 11/19! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including @fedupfam, an airfryer, & MORE! Plus get paid to get lean in 2018! Link in bio or dietbet.com/fatgirlfedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fedupfam #fit #fitfam #fitspo #motivation #sweat #fattofit #obesetobeast #drains #dance #diet #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #losingweight #fitnessmotivation #halloween #fitfam #wonderwoman #plussize #looseskin #excessskin #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss

Lexiiiiiii. ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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