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"Had I not found God, I would probably be a good-for-nothing drug-addict, or even worse, dead" says Zoltán Gera. The head of the Hungarian national football team was unable to live normally for years until the day he visited Faith Church and heard of Jesus Christ. It was there that he found God, broke out of poverty and into fame.

He drank and drugged himself every day. "This is when I started to think about the meaning of life and what I wanted to end up doing. I planned to become a criminal, a real godfather, feared by all, who robs people and fights them every day" - Zoli relates his teenage dreams of his future. Zoli would not go home, but spent the nights drinking, and staring at the star-lit sky. He discussed with his gang members how good it was that God loved them and that they would end up in heaven.

"I thought that accepting God's existance will get me into Heaven. As many people today I did not know what believing in God really meant. You need to do what He says..."

When he turned 16, Zoli had long given up football and school, although deep down in his heart, Zoli wanted to live a different life. "I remember when I went to one of the national matches of the team of Pecs, and as I watched them play, I thought to myself: 'I could have ended up playing there, I had the talent to...!' But I blew it, it is too late now..." There and then Zoli did not see any chance of ever becoming a famous player.

His father's example just made him sink lower. His father had a new girlfriend every couple of months, and would not really care for his son's future. Then suddenly, from one day to the next, his father radically changed and settled down. Zoli was in a Casino, when all of a sudden his father appeared and said "enough of this, my son, come on home..." On their way home, he told Zoli that he had been to Faith Church and that the next time he went, he would like him to come along. Zoli was surprised that his father showed interest in the Bible, but had no intention of going to church with him.

"I was sure that church must be a quiet place where you have to make a cross, and then just go home..." Finally he gave in and went to the next church service.
"Úgy voltam vele, a gyülekezet is biztos egy olyan hely, ahol csönd van, bemegy az ember, keresztet vet, aztán hazamegy" - vélte Zoli. Aztán végül engedett apjának, és elment a következő istentiszteletre.

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