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"Had I not found God, I would probably be a good-for-nothing drug-addict, or even worse, dead" says Zoltán Gera. The head of the Hungarian national football team was unable to live normally for years until the day he visited Faith Church and heard of Jesus Christ. It was there that he found God, broke out of poverty and into fame.

"I was shocked to see people happily smiling and singing. To be honest, I thought they must be crazy..." - remembers Zoli. He liked the music, but didn't understand much of the preaching. "On our way home, I asked my father why the people were singing and clapping. He told me they were singing to God because they had experienced His presence, and they got to know Jesus. I had a good feeling then, on our way back home..."

The feeling didn't last for very long and Zoli went back to his gang. When his father invited him again, he chose the casino instead. But this lifestyle became less and less appealing to him. He started to feel the effects of all his drinking and drug taking. The natural growth of his body stopped, he was very skinny and weak. A few weeks later Zoli decided to go to Faith Church again.

"This time I liked it even more, and towards the end of the service my father encouraged me to repent to the Lord, to accept Jesus Christ into my heart. I did not know what repenting meant so I asked dad what that was. He told me that I should be sorry about my sins and that I should accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour" - Zoli explains. By this time he knew that the life he was leading actually lead nowhere.

He tried to go to church and casinos at the same time, but eventually he undrestood that he would have to make a decision: "One day I was sitting on a bench just outside one of the casinos and thought to myself: 'What am I doing here?' I stood up, and never went into a casino again." Zoli started to study the Bible and pray and he enrolled into school again. He finished his studies with good grades. He stopped drinking, smoking and taking drugs. His gang members were shocked at the radical change, and many of them followed his example and ended up in church.

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