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Here you can find the latest news about the "Magic Magyar" of West Bromwich Albion.

Bryan Robson told in a press conference in Birmingham that it's high time to give a chance to Zoltan Gera on Monday when WBA will play against Tottenham. The Hungarian playmaker feels he's ready to play and fight for The Baggies.

"I haven't played so good as on Friday's training for a long time" - Gera told. "I didn't feel any problem and it was a pleasure for me because on Thursday I hadn't been that fine. After Tuesday's reserve game versus Everton [on Wednesday] I have had a full day rest and in spite of this, the following day I had some bad movements and felt pain too. After all I had no absolutely problem on Friday."

"I don't want to speak too soon but if my kilter developes so fast then there'll be nothing against my first team football on Monday - if Bryan Robson wants it as well. So far I don't plan anything but it was nice to hear that Robson was optimistic about me too."

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